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"She wasn't looking for a knight, she was looking for a sword."

"So, Ms Boyce, what is the derivative of sin theta?" Mr Hudson, my math teacher asked.

"Cos theta," I spat out. Just because I don't pay attention doesn't necessarily mean that I am dumb. Actually,  I am a smartass, could call me a nerd, because hey, I ain't ending up picking your trash. (No offense, to anyone.)

"Good," he replied. His gaze still scrutinized me, as he finally said, "Just because you know the answer, doesn't give you the right to look out of the window and daydream Ms Boyce. Am I clear?"

"Yes sir, crystal clear," I replied.

"So as I was saying........ he started again. I was waiting for this class to get over, so that I could go and eat lunch but no, the universe was basically against me as the rhythmic tik-tok could be heard from behind me. I am not a goody-two shoes who sits on the first bench, catch up losers.

The bell finally rang and picking my books up, I ran to my locker, dumped my books and went to lunch. There in one corner I saw my girlfriends laughing on something, whilst Cam, Jay and Noah sat on the popular kids' table. After all, they are the golden trio. And even though they are popular, didn't mean they are idiots, in fact Cam was the class topper, Jay second in line and Noah got good grades even after training at hours length for basketball.

I quickly bought my lunch which consisted of hotdogs and French fries. Yum.

When I reached my table, a short brunette looked up and said," Hey, Antheia, what took you so long?"

"Well, Mr Hudson seriously needs a vacation to Switzerland, Mia. He certainly needs to cool down."

Mia, Grace and Zuri started to laugh. "Couldn't agree more Ant, he needs to take a chill pill or the two of us could tie him to a rocket and send him to space, how about that?" said Zuri.

"Text me the date and day, I'll clear my schedule, girl," I replied.

"First thing when I reach home," she said, sending a wink my way.

"Girls, no violence, remember?" Mia said.

"They love messing with others so much, do you really think they'll stop Mia?" Grace said, putting a ton of fries in her mouth.

"Eww, Grace, close your mouth, when putting so much food, you seriously eat uglier than Jade and he 'chews' loudly," I said.

"Ughh, you and your table manners. You eat like the freaking queen of Buckingham Palace, not everyone can do that, Ant," she replied.

"What are you guys doing on Friday night, Noah has his birthday dinner doesn't he? You guys going?" Zuri cut in before I could give Grace a lesson on how to eat graciously.

"Well, obviously, it's Noah's birthday and if I don't show up he will kill me. What about y'all?" I asked.

"Nope, cause I am going out for dinner with my parents," Mia quickly put in.

"No, I have to babysit my brother, my parents have to go out for some business," said Grace.

"Well, I am definitely coming," Zuri started," And I might have someone to hangout with as well."

"Who?" The three of us said in unison, giving her a questioning look.

"Obviously you, Ant," she said, but the faint blush on her cheeks, definitely didn't convince us.

"Sure, Z, sure..." I smirked.

We sat in silence after that until the bell rang. You must have guessed our roles in the group. Mia is the mother who always keeps us on track, then there's Zuri, the crazy curly head, who might as well be raised by the jackals in Africa, then it's Grace, who will forever rant about her annoying brother and how she ends up babysitting him, always. And then there's me, Zuri's partner in crime, the popular trio's favourite girl, in the entire world. The one girl, every girl wants to be friends with, to get to the trio of course, I ain't anything that special myself. I get good grades, though Mia is the topper. And Zuri and Grace get decent grades as well, meaning we are academically stable. 

Cam and I are very competitive as to who gets a higher GPA. I love my silly, old brother, though, no matter what happens.

As to how I became friends with the girls, we all have one common love interest- books. Any kind of novel, be it adventure, young adult, sci-fi, romance, action, mystery, you name it and we'll fall in love with it. I am friends with Grace since kindergarten, Zuri since the fifth grade and Mia came along somewhere in middle school. And thus completed our gang, GAMZ (pronounced gamezz).


'Cause you got that James Dean daydream look in your eye
And I got that red lip, classic thing that you like
And when we go crashing down, we come back every time
'Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style

I sang with the blonde girl next to me as a dark skinned girl with pigtails approached us. She looked really pretty as her big forest green eyes scanned us.

"Hey, can I sit here? By the way, I am Zuri Jones," she said standing in front of us.

"Sure!" Grace exclaimed, her blue eyes shining.

"Yeah, yeah whatever," I said. I did a once over, looking for any threat, beside her ruining my friendship with Grace that is. I didn't really want us to have another friend, because girls are witches and they always leave me to be with Jay and Cam because everyone likes them and also to get invited to their parties which has lots of food and a pool party. Hmph.

"So, can I be your friend?" She asked.

"Absolutely, Zuri," Grace chirped.

'Tell me what's new, until and unless Kanye apologizes to Taylor, I think not. But who am I kidding, I don't want to get on Grace's bad side and might as well give this girl a try. At the most, we'll go through another friendship breakup but I warn you that shiz hurts more than heartbreak' I pondered.

"Ok," was all I said.


School dragged on and on, and at some point I even considered burning it down. In history, Noah asked me if I wanted to go dress shopping for our birthdays and I happily agreed. Noah celebrates his birthday on March 29, whereas I on April 1 and this irritates the shit out of me. Why you may ask? Well, because he is 3 days older and he takes pleasure in pointing that out to me every single time we argue. It's like the role of Maya Hart and Uncle Josh have been reversed. We both have been inseparable since birth, I am not saying some shit like we were born in the same hospital, wish I could, but I am adopted. Shocker, I know. I still remember the day ma and papa told me, I was eight and Cam nine, he cried a lot, not because he realised we were not blood related but because he realised that I really was found on their doorstep. He never joked about me being adopted again. 

Only our close family and friends knew about it. Even in school except Jay, Noah, Zuri, Mia and Grace, no one knew. Nobody wants an episode of high school drama here, surviving high school is more than enough. 

After school, Noah and I went to the mall. He parked his car and we went to some big ass store first. 

"You really think we'll find something here Noah, I mean look at the prices we might as well sell our kidney and liver to buy something from here," I said looking at the expensive shoes.

"Oh come on doll, might as well have a nice photo shoot, something Instagram worthy. What do you say?" he asked. I looked at him, his hazel brown eyes shining with mischief.

"Sign me up baby, sign me up," I said excitedly. We then did exactly that, dress after dress, I would pair up with shoes and jewelry and Noah would take pictures as if I was walking on a ramp. I didn't forget to shoot some kisses and winks to my photographer. Fifteen minutes into our fashion show, the store manager stopped us and kicked us out. Noah pretended as if he just heard his dog died and fake cried in front of the manager, which mind you, was Oscar worthy. The manager pitied us and even gave me a dress, which no one was buying since the past year and I decided to wear it on Noah's birthday.

"Oh my gosh, Noey, that was amazing," I said laughing like a maniac.

"Well, doll, I am the best. Now let's go and search for other dresses before your dad kills me," he said, grinning like an idiot.

"Let's go."

Did you like it? Did you like it? I promise it's gonna be better. Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts, free world everyone. Until next time, babes!



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