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"Nostalgia is a beautiful lie dressed up in sepia."


The night stretched longer than it was supposed to. A man in his early thirties paced back and forth, his lips silently moving in prayer as he heard his wife scream even louder than before. His raven black hair fell on his eyes, and he ran his hand through them. A four year old kid ran up to him and said, "Daddy, when can I see her?"

"Not yet, Luca, I will take you when it's the right time, ok?" The blue eyed man said ruffling his sons hair. The boy grinned and skipped back to where his seat was and started talking to another guy who mirrored the four year old's excitement.

A loud scream echoed throughout the hallway, along with the wailing of a tiny being when all noise suddenly ceased. A young man clad in white, his eyes clearly showing his lack of sleep and rest, walked out of an operation theater. The man quickly jogged up to him, worry swimming in his eyes.

"How is she Howard? All ok? Can I see her? What about the baby?" he asked.

"Everything is ok, Alex, you can go in and meet her," he politely replied and walked away.

"Come on boys, don't you want to meet your mother and sister?" He asked the three boys sitting in the waiting room.

All three of them eagerly nodded and followed their dad to the operation theater. There lay a woman, weak from exhaustion as she gave them a feeble smile. The man quickly put a kiss on her forehead and said," You were really strong and brave, love."

"Thanks Alex, now don't you all want to meet your precious baby girl, you all have been waiting for so eagerly?" she said pointing towards a crib. Alex walked to the crib and picked up the girl, a fragile being, her delicate hands grabbed Alex's finger as he pointed it to her. Her blue gray eyes studied the man in front of her, as her bright pink lips broke into a smile.

"She is so beautiful, Sel, just like you," Alex said to his wife. Luca jumped up and down with a wide smile as he tugged on his dad's shirt sleeves. The other two boys just stood their smiling.

The oldest of the three stepped forward and asked, "Can I hold her dad?" He nodded and slowly passed the little girl to him. "Careful," he said.

"Hello Juliana, I am your oldest brother and I'll always protect you from the bad guys, ok? I'll call you Jules, Juliana is too long," he joked.

"Well, my turn Griff, don't take so long," the eight year old pointed his watch out to the ten year old.

"Fine, your turn, don't drop her Adrian," he warned him. Juliana was then passed to him. Adrian bent a little so Luca could take a look at her.

"She's so small," he commented. The others laughed. Alex took her from Adrian and placed her back in the crib. They left Selena to rest as well and went back to the waiting room. Suddenly the lights went out and after a minute or so came back on. Selena's loud scream could be heard by anyone within a ten yard radius. Alex and the boys ran towards the source and found Selena crying, her index finger pointing towards the crib, which was now empty.

"Security! Security! I want all the doors locked, no one should escape out, and no one I mean, get that? DO YOU GET THAT?" Alex shouted.

"YES SIR" The men in uniform replied and ran.

The boys stood there unsure of what to do. Their new born sister, their princess was gone and nobody could do anything.

Hmm, tea. So hello there chicas, this was the prologue and the first chapter is gonna come soon, so stay tuned and don't forget to vote babes.



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