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"I have been waiting for you so long in my forever."


Saturday and Sunday went by in the blink of an eye as I spent all my time doing assignments and studying whatever has been covered in our classes. Noah and Jade tried to pry those books from my hand and even went to the extent of doing the unthinkable, ordering McDonalds and not giving me anything, not even one fry. I couldn't believe my life would come to this.

So, as revenge, I ordered chicken wings and tacos and didn't share it with anybody, not even papa, when he tried to lure me into his 'You are the world's best daughter' and 'I love you more than I love talking about politics' trap. Haaa! Take that losers. I enjoyed their reactions as they sat giving me their best puppy dog eyes and yes, I can be a cold hearted bitch when I want to.

"Wakey, wakey pumps," my annoying brother said as he snatched the comforter of my body.

"I don't want to go to school," I replied, trying to get cozier by curling up in a ball, "What time is it anyway?"

"12," he casually said. I shot up faster than a dog realizing his owner's home. I quickly unlocked my phone and there it read 00:00 hours.

"What the actual fuck, Cam? It's fucking 12 at night, haven't I told you not to mess with me when I am asleep? Get ready to die, asshole," I said, my blood boiling with rage.

"Shhh, pumps, don't be a bad girl, don't dare swear again and also HAPPY BIRTHDAY PUMPKIN! YOU ARE FINALLLY SIXTEEN!" he yelled, while I tried to make sure I don't turn deaf on my sweet sixteen. I looked around and it was then that I realised what he had done to my room. The fairy lights clung to every corner of the wall, some stars were hanging from the ceiling and they held our pictures. The door to my room opened and in walked mumma and papa, with a small cake, probably made by mumma, and Noah and Jade strolled behind them.

All of them had huge smiles plastered on their faces which were definitely infectious because after ten seconds, I was mirroring their expressions.

"Thanks Cam," I hugged my brother tightly and he returned the gesture. Ma and papa, then wished me, "Happy Birthday, baby girl, can't believe you are sixteen, oh you lot grow up so fast" papa said as he wiped tears from his eyes.

"Aww dad, I'll always be your little girl, ok?" I chuckled and wrapped my arms around him.

"You better be," he softly mumbled, kissing my forehead.

"Out of the way everyone, knight in shining armour coming through," Jade joked pushing papa from his way. Papa pretended to get hurt and started to look at a picture of him teaching me how to walk, his smile broadening at the memory.

"Happy Birthday Princess," he said, as he bent down on one knee and kissed my hand.

"Thank you, my dearest knight," I laughed and hugged him. Everyone started to laugh at our childish behaviour, but that's how we have always been.

"Happy Birthday, doll," Noah whispered as he engulfed me in a hug, and kissing my cheek.

"Whipped," I heard my brother and Jade snicker.

"So, where are my gifts?" I asked my familia. "You'll have to wait for fifteen to sixteen hours for those," my beloved brother answered. Note the sarcasm.

"Come on princess, it's not that long, and secondly I want cake, so cut it, so I can eat it," Jade put in.

I stomped my feet in anger and marched to where mumma was standing. All of them started singing Happy Birthday as Cam, Noah and Jade recorded me whilst I cut the cake, to put on their Instagram stories.

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