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"Her salty eyes told me stories, that made my heart weep. I wanted to wrap her in a blanket and tell she was safe forever- and so I did."

^^Antheia's room above

When I woke up the next morning, I had ALMOST forgotten last night's events as I happily skipped to go and have breakfast, when I saw Griffin drinking coffee, Adrian eating waffles and Luca smiling goofily at me.

"Ughh, not this early," Cam spoke up, as he came to stand beside me.

"Cam! Behave yourself, they are our guests and Ant's blood family," our mother shouted.

Ignoring her, Cam took his plate of waffles along with mine, and sat opposite to them. The room was then filled by One Direction's beautiful voice as Happily blasted from the speakers of my phone.

Cause we're on fire
We are on fire
We're on fire now
Yeah, we're on fire
We are on fire
We're on fire now

"Who's it, pumpkin?" Cam asked.

"My boyfriend, duh!" I playfully said.

"We... Cam started but was interrupted by Griffin, Adrian and Luca at the same time.

"You have a boyfriend, you turned 16 yesterday! Oh sweet lord, what has the world come to!" If you didn't guess already, it was Luca, the dramatic one.

"But you are just 16!" That was Adrian.

"You should stay away from boys, Juliana," Griffin said in a stern voice.

"Very well, first of all it's Antheia, A-N-T-H-E-I-A, I won't tolerate you changing my name, I am already going through a midlife crisis because of you, don't add to it by some goddamn name. Secondly, just because you want to take over as my legal guardian, doesn't give you the right to comment on my personal life and lastly, no matter what, you aren't my family," I shot at him.

My speech didn't faze him one bit and he firmly added, " We are your family, you'll learn to love us. By Thursday, we'll be leaving Los Angeles and flying to Washington, so I suggest you pack your bags."

"You can't do that to my sister, you fucktard," Cam violently lunged at him, and punched him square in the jaw. The sound of bones cackling, could be heard clearly. In fact, very, very clearly, which definitely didn't go unnoticed by our mom.


"The guy was clearly asking for it," I muttered under my breath, which unfortunately was heard by my mother.

"Cameron, your beloved pumpkin would join you for the numbered days she is living with us, before leaving with the Russo's," Mumma said.

"Ma, you are seriously agreeing to this? You do understand that our pumpkin won't live with us, right?" Cam stated, fear gripping his voice.

"You are going to be late for school, you have already missed your bus, Cam's car has gone for servicing, and your papa left early, so call Jade or Noah, to pick you guys up," she said, not addressing the elephant in the room.

"No need to call anyone Mrs Boyce, I'll drop these two to school," the devil's twin replied. Elijah was his name. 

"No thanks," Cam and I simultaneously replied.

"Cam and Ant, Mr Russo, will drop you both, now go, without uttering a single word," mumma said, in an eerily calm voice, indicating she is dead serious. Without any further objections, we went outside to see a Chrysler 300, parked in our driveway. On the inside I was freaking out, but on the outside my calm pretence could dupe James Bond. Luca and Ezra, decided to join us as well, while Adrian became a doctor for Griffin.

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