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"When did the world decide to hide real tears with fake smiles."

^^Russo's Home Above

The next morning I woke up squished between Zuri and Grace, Mia dangled from the bed, whereas Cam, Noah and Jade were lying on the floor.

A loud knock woke all of us from our slumber and in barged Luca. Seeing our disheveled state, he burst out laughing. He was accompanied by Mr Grumpy and The Devil himself.

"Get ready we are leaving in twenty," Mr Grumpy said.

"What time is it?" Mia asked.

"Ten," Luca said bored.

"Too early," Grace groaned from beside me.

"Ahh, shouldn't have stayed up till 4 in the morning," Zuri said.

"Stop lazing around and get up. Now!" Mr Grumpy, grumpily said, making me fly out of the room, just kidding.

"I hate you!" I said, finally getting up and making my way over to the bathroom after clearing many obstacles, which happened to be my lovely friends.

I took a shower and put on a cropped maroon hoodie with blue high waisted jeans and pulled my hair in a ponytail. Gotta get as comfy as possible. I threw on some white converse on the way.

Grabbing my two suitcases, I went downstairs to see all my family standing. My poor mother was a mess, her eyes bloodshot, my dad's nose was bright red like Rudolph, meaning he had been crying as well.

My friends were a different story altogether, all sobbing except Cam, he was hyperventilating. Could probably hear him in a two mile radius.

"Guys, I am not dead, right?" I tried cheering up their mood. If I saw them like this for any longer, I wouldn't be able to stop the tears threatening to slip out.

"I mean if it's my funeral, I am really going to wake up from the dead if this is the kind of arrangements are going to be made," I said.

Mia, Grace and Zuri chuckled and Noah and Jade gave me a small smile.

"Well, what do you want your funeral to be like then?" Zuri asked.

"Ah, I thought you'd never ask. So, firstly, play War of Hearts to honour my greatest ship, Malec. Then, you could get someone to play some upbeat songs or could finally reunite One Direction, so I will die happily, knowing my death brought the five boys I love the most together. Thirdly and lastly I want that Noah and Jade to become strippers for a day."

"Why leave Cam? He'll join us as well, some people desperately want him to do a strip show. What do you think Zuri?" That would be Jade.

ZURI, ZURI FREAKING JONES blushed and put a "Yea" softly. If I am not wrong Zuri and Cam definitely like each other.

After being held by everyone like a new born, I finally left, not daring to look back at the crying faces.

At the airport, we boarded a freaking private jet!? I know, how rich are these people? So I decided to interrogate them.

"So Mr. Russo," I said addressing Griffin, "How rich are you guys?"

"Quite rich," he said looking up. Rude and beating around the bush, fucking great. I decided to ditch my paparazzi skills and instead plugged in my air pods and drifted to sleep.

I was shaken up by large pair of hands, which were owned by no one but Luca.

"We have reached," he said. I nodded and gathering my belongings, followed him out to two cars. A red mustang and a black G- Wagon. Wow!

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