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"Life had broken much of her but she was there still persisting in the shards of her pieces."

Cam and I changed into our sweatpants and hoodies and saw that everyone had changed, even the Russo's. Weird, I thought.

"What did you guys want to talk about?" Cam asked.

"Yeah, and in front of these guys?" I asked, amused.

"Yes, because it concerns all of us present here," mumma replied. My mouth formed an 'O' and I sat there, all ears to what was about to be said.

"Why don't you explain this to these two, Griffin?" Papa said to the oldest Russo.

"If that's alright with you, then sure," he cleared his throat before continuing, "I am sure that you both are aware that Antheia is adopted."

He paused looking at Cam and I hoping for some kind of reaction. Not sure where this conversation was heading, I scooted closer to Cam and he put his arm around me to make me feel better.

Griffin continued, "Antheia, your real family has found you after a lot of years and they want you to live with them. I am aware that you aren't a fan of them, given how you were found on the Boyce' doorstep in a basket, but the truth is that you were kidnapped and believe me when I say that your blood family was shattered, forever. Antheia, your real name is Juliana Russo, we are your brothers and we want you back."

I let the information sink in. I felt Cam pull me tighter to his side, my brain had stopped responding and all I could do was think, about all the years I have spent with my family, my parents, my brother, my friends, my school, heck even boring old Mr. Hudson.

"N-no," I stammered. "H-how do you k-know t-that I am your sister?"

"You could easily pass for Griff's twin, if not for the age difference," Luca chided in.

"And we had our DNA test taken, it matched, here you can see it if you want," Adrian said, handing me a report.

Cam took it from me and read it out aloud, "Based on testing results obtained from analysis of the DNA loci listed, the probability of half-siblingship is 99.9%."

"Wow, so you're really my brothers. Aren't you guys like, a lot? I mean people normally have like two or three siblings and you guys yourselves are five and including me, six," I laughed, trying to lighten my stress.

Adrian smiled and said," Doesn't matter, how many of us are there, what matters is that we love each other."

"How did you even get her DNA tested, she didn't even go with you guys," Cam inquired.

"Well, Ant, I gave them a strand of your hair from your hairbrush, I thought maybe what they were claiming isn't true, I should have never agreed," mumma answered, as she broke into tears. Papa immediately hugged her and took her to their room, leaving me and Cam, with my brothers? Should I call them that, this early? Nah.

"Well look, I appreciate that you guys want my sister back and everything but she isn't going anywhere, I won't let her go," Cam concluded.

"Well, she can come with us willingly or forcefully, that's your choice. I don't think any of us wants to stand in front of a jury for trials?" Griffin said, his voice held authority, and that made me grip Cam tighter. I let tears fall from my eyes, as I sobbed into Cam's hoodie.

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