Mina Ashido As Your Girlfriend

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"Dammit..." You hiss quietly as you rush through the halls of UA, trying to find your class. "Why does this school have to be so-" You're cut off as you spin from around the corner and slam right into another student. Both of you fall to the ground, your books flying from your hands as your back hits the floor, the other person toppling on front of you.

"Oh, my god!" You bring your eyes up to look at who just cried out in surprise. "I'm so sorry!" A girl with pink skin and hair jumps up and quickly offers you a hand. "Here, let me help you with that!" After you let her pull you back up, she bends down at collects all your fallen stuff in a few seconds.

"What's your name?" She smiles sympathetically, handing you your books. "I'm Y/N L/N." You nod as a thank you. "I'm-"

"Wait, you're the new student!" She exclaims, grabbing your hand in hers and leaning forward, close to your face. You almost recoil at how open she is, if you weren't drawn to her in some strange way. "That's me." You agree, smiling. "I was assigned class 1-A, but I can't find it."

"I'm from class 1-A!" She exclaims, already beginning to lead you down the hallway. "Oh, you'll love it with us! But watch out for the angry pomeranian, his name is Bakugou. He has a hobby of blowing things up... But don't worry, you totally give off Baku-squad vibes! And then there's this green-haired boy, called Midoriya. We call him Deku."

"Deku?" You grimace, looking at her in doubt. "Oh, don't worry! It's even his hero name! We don't bully him or anything! And you must've heard of Allmight! Well, we have him as a teacher! And even Aizawa, aka Eraserhead! You and I are gonna get along so well!"

You smile at her enthusiasm, already feeling like you'll fit in.


Mina was the one to ask you out, obviously. It was a joke at first because she kept telling you how all the guys have a crush on you but you didn't believe her. So, when she invited you on a date, the boys went crazy and proved her right. However, when you actually went out together, you really enjoyed it. You went roller-skating and then grabbed ice-cream and talked about school, your lives, your favorite things and you got so comfortable with each other, you even argued whether pineapple belongs on pizza or not.


The guys of class 1-A basically have an on-going competition with Mina to see who you end up with in the end. They're pretty jealous, but never actually try to seduce you or break you two up. The girls support you and love spending time with you. Jirou even often says that she hopes her future relationship is as healthy and beautiful as the one you have with Mina. And then she always looks straight at Momo. Maybe one day, something will finally happen between them ;D

SHE TEASES YOU (because it's obvious you like to scare everyone by turning into animals like mouses and almost giving them heart attacks...)

Sometimes, she jumps you when you don't expect it at all. For example, you're headed to class and she tackles you from around the corner. Fortunately, when you're training, she doesn't startle you because she doesn't want you to bite her head off, while in animal form. When you're angry at her, you turn into a wolf and pout in the corner. Unfortunately, she always comes to you and tightly hugs you around the neck until you turn into your human form again and make peace with her. You still haven't figured out what her least favorite animal is...


Whenever Mina gets jealous, which happens at least once a week, she makes it completely obvious you're hers. So, when you're being bothered by someone, who just won't take the hint, she comes up to you from behind, wraps her arms around your waist, and with a wholesome smile and cute voice, says "Take a hint, baka!" That almost always works but when it doesn't, she uses her quirk to scare the person and drags you away.


Mina would be the kind of yandere that wouldn't bother with stalking you all the time. She'd ask you out right after getting to know you a little better and watch over you like a hawk. If you refused, she'd kidnap you, but still treat you well. Obviously, she wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone for you right away. Unfortunately, she doesn't plan the murders before and that makes getting away with them harder... But she always somehow manages it.


Much like Mei, Mina NEVER gets sad. However, she gets angry all the time. When that happens, you take her somewhere, where it's just the two of you and hug her tightly, while she rambles about what's bothering her. When you get sad, she does the same. Afterwards, you two go get some food and then head to the gym to take your anger out on some mannequins.


"Sero, I swear, if you touch me one more time-" You can't even finish your sentence when you're shoved out the door by your best friend. You stumble forward, nearly falling over, but quickly catch yourself.

"Ehm." You clear your throat, straighten out your dress and bring your head up to stare at your classmates, all gaping at you with their mouths open.

You roll your eyes, but immediately proceed to strike a pose. Sero, Denki and Kiri all immediately whip out their phones and you blow them kisses, a wide smile on your face.

"Ohhhh I shouldn't be looking!" You hear Ochaco groan, and when you turn to look at her, she's covering her eyes, hunched over like Quasimodo. Mina pushes her aside, a broad smirk on her face.

"One more thing!" She announces, Mineta stumbling after her, just barely carrying a boombox without being crushed by its weight. Mina punches a few buttons and soon, everyone is belting the lyrics to one of Taylor Swift's songs.

"You're an idiot." You say to your girlfriend, wrapping your arms around her neck with a wide smile. "Maybe. But I'm your idiot~"


"Dammit!" You finally yell after Himiko Toga dodges your attack for the 27th time. "What's the matter?" The blonde haired psycho purrs, "Are you losing your cool, L/N? You-"

She's cut off when you land a strong punch to her stomach, making her gasp in surprise and stagger back. Lunging forward, you turn into a wolf midair and tackle her to the ground, making her knife fly out of her hand.

"Finally!" Mina catches the knife before it hits the ground and twirls it around in her fingers. You bare your fangs at the girl under you, but she just fake pouts and grins at you.

"Mm careful with that! You don't wanna cut yourself." Toga mocks her, closing her eyes. "By the way, congratulations, you two! You successfully fell for my trap. I wonder how Bakugou will fend off three villains..."

You jerk your head to look at Mina. "What are you talking about?" She demands, pointing the knife at Toga. "Bakugou's fine! He can fend for himself and he's with Deku and Todoroki anyway! I think..."

You turn back into human form and bring your face close to Toga's. "You're lying." You snarl, closely watching her reaction. A wide smile spreads across her bloodied face.

"Maybe. Maybe not! Is it really a risk you want to take though? It's me or your beloved classmate..."

You stare at her in disbelief.

Then, with an angry hiss, you get up and nod at Mina.

"We have to go. Even if she's lying... We have to make sure nothing happens to Bakugou!"

She doesn't need telling twice. You both glance at a grinning Toga one last time and leg it to the woods.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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