Something About You

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You're a UA student in class 1A and you're aiming to become a pro hero

Personality: You're ambitious and a little bit egoistic, you can be cold when you're around someone you don't like, but you're very sweet when it comes to your friends. You can be moody and you have your worse days, but you bring out the best in people and your peps talks are always encouraging!

Friends: The whole class loves you, but you've known Hanta Sero since childhood, so you're really close 

Gender: Girl (LGBT)


Your quirk: Shape-shifting

Description: You can transform into any animal you want, as long as you've seen it before in your life. But you can only use it for so long and the longest time you've managed to stay in animal form is an hour. If you get killed in that form, you survive but can no longer turn into that animal

Your hero name: Feral

After effects: There aren't many because when you stay in your animal form for too long, your body immediately transforms back into human form. If it wasn't like that, you would exhaust yourself to the point of death because you wouldn't even be able to take a breath

Combat: You're best at close combat, and you have your own tricky ways of getting close to someone and managing to avoid their attacks

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