Tsuyu Asui As Your Girlfriend

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"Hold on." You turn around at the sound of the very familiar voice. "Hey, Asui... Uh, I mean, Tsu." You laugh awkwardly at your own stammering and your green-haired classmate smiles at you. "Do you want to go somewhere together?" She gets right to the point, and you blink in surprise. Blunt... "You mean like, as friends?" You ask, making sure you understood her correctly. "No, I mean, on a date." Tsuyu explains and you sigh in relief. Wow, so I wasn't wrong when I thought there was something between us, you think to yourself and nod.

"I'd love to go on a date with you, Tsu. Text me later?" You ask, raising your palms. "Got it," Tsu says and waves good-bye, and keeps going.

"WAS THAT-" Hanta Sero begins to scream in joy, but you clap a hand over his mouth. "Quiet!" You hiss, "You want her to hear you and slap you across the face with her tongue?" When Hanta shakes his head against your palm, you let go of him. "Good boy." Then, you flee, already hearing the swoosh of tape flying from his elbows and smile to yourself. He doesn't stand a chance...


For your first date, Tsu took you to a very beautiful garden with a crystal clear lake. You two swam in it, she wore a special swimsuit, that allowed her to be really fast and the only way for you to keep up was in dolphin form. You competed against each other and Tsu won almost all of the races because you always preferred shifting into land animals and she was used to swimming a lot. But you had a suspicion that she let you win the last few rounds. Then, you went for coffee and talked a lot, not only about school and your classmates but also your families. After you got back from the date, Hanta Sero ambushed you in front of the front door of your house and wanted to know every little detail, and it took you another two hours to describe everything... Thanks, Hanta.


You and Tsu make a really good team not only because your quirks both have something to do with animals but also because you're really good at communicating and reading each other's thoughts. Your class knows that Tsu and you are a couple and they really effing ship it, even though you two are basically polar opposites. While she's calm and laid-back, you're competitive, energetic and a little crazy, but, well... Opposites attract, right?

SHE TEASES YOU (because it's obvious you like to scare everyone by turning into animals like mouses and almost giving them heart attacks...)

Sometimes, when you're sitting at a table together, both doing something else, she'd extend her tongue and lick your cheek, scaring the hell out of you. Or she'd wait for you to come through the door or something and then frog-jump you, causing you both to often fall over together.


Tsu doesn't get jealous easily, and you never let anyone apart from her flirt with you. But if that person just isn't going away, she'd come over to you, hug you from behind and start talking to you quietly, and the person usually just leaves. But if that doesn't work, she'd take your hand and drag you away, waving the person good-bye not to seem rude, but letting them know you're hers!


Tsuyu would be the type of yandere to stalk you all the time and eventually come talk to you if she wanted to because she isn't the shy type. If someone got too close to you, she'd wait until they were alone and quickly and quietly kill them. Easy as that. She'd confess to you by straight-up just telling you, but she wouldn't tell you the truth about the stalking and murders. After you two would get married and spend over two decades with each other, then she'd tell you.


Tsuyu almost never gets sad, she's generally a really happy person who doesn't let minor things get her down. However, she sometimes gets sad because of problems at home. When that happens, you either come over to try and secretly force her parents to be kind to each other or tell her to come to your house for the time being. Because of you, her parents managed to sort out a lot of their problems and Tsuyu will forever be grateful to you for that. The two of you never fight.


"Come on, come on, come on, come onnnnn!" Sero howls, jumping up and down like an excited anime school girl. "You look great! Now let's go!" He grabs you by the arm and starts to drag you out the door. "You just want everyone to laugh at me." You hiss, wondering what it would be like to shift into a wolf right there and then and tackle him. But then he'd never let you forget the wolf in the maid outfit.

You find yourself in the doorway, everyone howling with laughter. Denki pulls out his phone and you sigh, then pose dramatically, already dreading the next day. No doubt would he post that somewhere on social media.

"You look amazing, Y/N." Tsu croaks, smiling. You pose for Denki one more time, then follow her out of the room. "I'm never wearing this again." You inform her, then quickly correct yourself. "Actually, I'm never wearing a dress ever again. I'm going to UA celebrations in sweat pants from now on." Tsu just giggles, then plants a quick kiss on your cheek. "You know I don't care what you wear. I'll always value you more than anything."


You lunge forward in your wolf form and attempt to bite into the Nomu's throat but it dodges with surprising speed, then swings a clawed hand at you. You turn back into human form, roll forward, barely evading the deadly talons, that could easily rip your head open, and quickly rejoin Tsu's side.

"We've tried everything!" You complain to her, never taking your eyes off the horrid creature that begins licking its beak, wanting to see blood. "It avoids our attacks when we both strike or when only one of us does. I don't know what to do anymore..."

"What if one was the bait?" Tsu suddenly says and you jerk your head to stare at her. "What?" But you both have to fling yourselves aside when the Nomu comes charging at you, snarling. Then, it hits you. Tsu is right, you think to yourself as the monster turns around, ready to try again. "I'll be the bait!" You call out to her, who had been forced to jump to the other side.

We go to summer camp and end up fighting the freaking League of Villains? You think to yourself. Now, Tsu and you are in a forest at night, facing some kind of abomination all alone. "Hey, beak-face!" You call out, waving at the Nomu, who glares at you while Tsu hides behind a tree and waits for the perfect moment to ambush it when it least expects it.

With a deep breath, you shift into a gazelle. The Nomu doesn't wait for anything and sprints towards its prey, screaming and stretching out its vicious claws.  "NOW!" You cry out and leap up, above the monster's head as Tsu's tongue lashes out and wraps around the Nomu. You turn into a wolf again mid-air, land on the creature's head, bite into its throat and let go only when it goes limp and you're sure it's dead.

"We're epic!" You cry out after climbing off and turning back into human form. You and Tsu high-five. "Yeah, but we're not done." She says, "We have to go help our friends. Some of them might be fighting even more dangerous villains than this one." You nod and you both dash off to find and protect your classmates.

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