Momo Yaoyorozu As Your Girlfriend

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Momo swings her metal staff at your head and you manage to duck and back away. Today's training consists of one on one duels with your classmates and unfortunately, you were paired up with one of the best fighters from your class. What animal can I shift into, with which I can attack and not injure her too much... You think to yourself as your opponent attacks again, the tip of her weapon aimed at your stomach. You move aside, grip the staff, and easily disarm Momo. But she backs away, creates another staff and attacks again.

"Sorry, Momo..." You mutter quietly, crouching down a little. When she leaps towards you again, you shift into a wolf and tackle her to the ground, her weapon flying from her hands. You bend down and gently touch your snout to her throat, pretending you bit her.

"Yaoyorozu has been defeated." Mr. Aizawa says, sounding tired, as always. You climb off of her, and you and Momo leave the arena as Kaminari and Kirishima enter it. Momo sighs, sad that she lost, but bends down anyway and strokes your head. Your animal instincts kick in and you wag your tail happily. When she stands up, you shift back into human form.

"You're a really good fighter." She says, blushing a little, "I didn't think I would lose..."

"You need a good strategy." You tell her, shrugging, "Don't attack immediately. First, figure out the fighting style of your opponent and their weaknesses. Then, use that against them and attack with full strength only when you're sure that you can win."

"Wow, thank you." She says, smiling. "I'm thankful. Would you... Would you go for coffee with me? I could use more of your amazing advice." You nod at her proposal. "Of course." You smile sweetly, "I'd love to."


You and Momo went out for coffee, just like she said, but you didn't discuss fighting strategies that much, you only started with that. You talked about school work, training, your classmates, and Momo even told you about her family and her life and so did you. Then, you went for a walk and got so comfortable, that you opened up a lot more and now you know everything about each other.


Your class and teachers know that you and Momo are together and they really ship it. All Might always exclaims something about love when he sees you two and even Mr. Aizawa smiled to himself when he saw you skipping through the school halls, hand in hand. When it comes to fighting villains, you make a really good team because your strategies are similar, so you know exactly what the other one is going to do, and that makes you really dangerous together. Momo doesn't mind when you hang out with other girls because she knows that you're loyal and you'd never cheat on her.

SHE TEASES YOU (because it's obvious you like to scare everyone by turning into animals like mouses and almost giving them heart attacks...)

Momo doesn't tease you. Like, NEVER. The only thing she sometimes does, that she doesn't realize, is holding your hand really often and calling you cute and adorable when you're trying to be serious around someone else, usually Bakugou. That always causes you to blush and stop with the act.


Momo trusts you more than anyone. Like, she wouldn't even feel threatened if you were alone in a room with twenty other really beautiful girls and handsome guys. But of course, when you're being hit on and trying to leave but that person isn't letting you, Momo would come up to you, kiss your cheek, and rescue you by saying something along the lines of, "Hello, my name is Momo and I am Y/N's girlfriend, it is nice to meet you!"


Momo would be the most strategic, genius yandere of them all. She'd occasionally spend time with you, but you wouldn't be her best friend because that would mean you would fear for her safety most of all and it'd ruin her plans. She'd stalk you when you're alone and find a good moment to reveal herself and make it seem like you two just randomly ran into each other. If someone got too close to you, she'd have one of her closest friends get rid of them while being with you, so she'd be the last possible suspect for the murders. She'd confess to you only if it was completely obvious you liked her back and if not, she'd continue to get rid of all the threats, so that eventually, only she could have you. She'd only tell you the truth if she was completely sure you'd still love her.


Momo tends to get sad when she's underestimated and made fun of during fights, just because her quirk isn't a destructive one. When that happens, you train with her and come up with ways the two of you can combine your quirks in battle. That always gets her mood up and afterward, you go out for a walk or stay at home and you turn into her favorite animal and cuddle up to her. The two of you have never fought or had a misunderstanding during the time you were together. Yes, you two are that good together!


"Wait, no!" You scream as Sero grabs you by the arm and flings you toward the door. You barely manage to regain your balance and when you look up, your classmates are staring at you with wide eyes. You sigh... Then pose as they burst out laughing and pull out their phones.

"Wowww-" Mineta's already drooling, stumbling towards you with a weird look in his eyes. Momo roughly brushes past him, knocking him off his feet. She smiles apologetically but doesn't bother helping him up and strolls to you.

When she closes the door behind you, she hugs you around the neck and digs her face into the crook of your neck. "I love you..." She purrs as you smile down at her, stroking her hair. "I love you, too." You say, hugging her tightly, "... But next time, you're the one getting dressed up for our stupid classmates."


You barely dodge the attack and the Nomu's clawed hand rips through the air, right above your head. Momo swings her short sword at the creature and manages to slice off its hand, causing strange-colored blood to spray the trees around you.

"Retreat!" You call out to her and you both back away as the Nomu screams in pain and bears its fangs. "Make me a bow!" You say to her quickly but she doesn't need telling twice. She immediately hands you the requested weapon along with ten arrows. Already knowing your plan, she leaps forward again, slashing at the Nomu with her own sword. You nock the arrow and hold it up. I can't believe that we go to summer camp and end up having to fight the League of Villains! You think to yourself as you search for an opportunity to shoot without hurting your girlfriend. Thank God I took archery lessons...

Momo suddenly backs away and you release the arrow, shooting the creature right in the chest... but it sticks out and doesn't fly through the Nomu as expected. That only seems to anger your opponent even more and it roars at you but Momo manages to get its attention back to her. You fire again, this time aiming for its eye and almost squeal in joy when the arrow flies clear through its head. The Nomu sways and you shoot again and again until it can only stand up, shocked. When you run out of arrow, you toss the bow aside and fling yourself at that abomination, shifting into a wolf midair and sinking your teeth deep into the Nomu's throat. You only let go when it collapses and goes completely limp.

You shift back and Momo jumps into your arms, kissing you. You return the kiss but pull away soon. "We have to help our classmates." You say and she nods, then you both sprint into the night, ready to find and protect your friends at all costs.

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