Ochaco Uraraka As Your Girlfriend

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"Hey, Ochaco!" You say as you join her at the lunch table. "What's up?" You ask when you see her sad face. "I can't get the hang of making myself float." She explains, resting her head in her palms. "I always get so nauseous."

"Maybe I can help." You shrug, and she finally turns to look at you. "Really?" She asks, "But how?" You shrug. "When I discovered my shape-shifting quirk, I also got really sick whenever I spent more than five minutes in animal form." You explain, "So, I trained every day. It's actually one of the many reasons I wanted to get into UA." You smile, the memories rushing back. "Apart from wanting to become a pro hero, I wanted to learn to control my quirk better, too."

"Wow." Ochaco sits up, surprised. "That's pretty cool. Thanks for opening up to me." You give a half-smile and pat her back. "I can teach you some things that helped me make my quirk stronger if it would help." Ochaco blushes a little, then nods happily. "Okay!" She says, "That would be great!"


You took Ochaco to your home and there, she practiced making herself float for a longer time, without getting sick. After getting advice from both you and your teachers, she finally got the hang of it. After your training, you two often went to a cafe and talked about things like school, your teachers, your classes and so on. And as time went on, those visits turned into dates, when you both started to flirt and before you knew it, you were together.


Hanta Sero shipped you and Ochaco from the very beginning of school and his "I told you so!"s never stopped after you became a couple. Your class knows you're dating and they think you're cute together because you help each other out often, but you also compete a lot. Sometimes, it's with Bakugou and then one girl has to save the other from getting blown up. You two do everything side-by-side, so villains don't stand a chance against your combined strength.

SHE TEASES YOU (because it's obvious you like to scare everyone by turning into animals like mouses and almost giving them heart attacks...)

Ochaco likes to come up to you from behind and suddenly just make you float, usually when you're doing something like homework or pouring water into a glass, trying not to spill it everywhere. But other than that, she doesn't tease you too much because she loves you and doesn't want you to feel like you're being bullied, even though it's actually really far from that. Well, you know sweet and innocent Floaty Girl!


She gets flustered really easily and turns completely pink in the face when someone else flirts with you. She usually comes up to you and starts trying to break up the conversation and show that person that you're hers by kissing your cheek and hugging you. If that doesn't work, she'll take your hand and quietly tell you she wants to go, but she doesn't have to do that often because you can perfectly tell when she's angry.


Ochaco would be the kind of yandere that stalks you 24/7, but is too shy to talk to you and too adorable to kill anyone. If someone gets too close to you, she would sabotage them every chance she'd get - slashing their tires, leaving threatening messages to stay away from you, breaking into their house and stealing, etc. She'd confess to you by getting you to notice her somehow, like intentionally hurting herself to get you to help her. You two would start opening up to each other more and eventually start dating. She'd never tell you why you two actually met.


Ochaco usually gets sad when she's not taken seriously enough or made fun of for being poor. After the Sport's Festival, you immediately rushed up to her to comfort her because she hadn't been able to beat Bakugou. You often just hug her really tight while she snuggles up to your chest and whispers sweet words into her ear to make her feel better. The two of you almost never fight, but you once had an argument about which K-Pop band is the best.


"Sero, no!" You hiss as your best friend, giggling like an idiot, pushes you out of the changing rooms. "Let go!" You howl, already contemplating shifting into a wolf and biting his stupid head off. "You don't want to upset her, do you?" Sero chuckles and with one last push, you find yourself standing in the doorway, all eyes on you. 


And then everyone bursts out laughing. "I never thought I'd see the fierce Y/N in a maid dress!" Kirishima exclaims, then laughs even more when you shoot him a murderous glare. "You look sooo ho-" Mineta starts to say, drooling like an idiot and stumbling towards you. He's cut off as Ochaco brushes past him, grabs you by the arm, and drags you out of the room.

"I hate Sero." You announce, frowning and staring after him. Ochaco, a cute little smile on her face, hugs you around the neck and giggles quietly. "You look adorable." She says softly. You sigh then finally return the hug, digging your face in the crook of her neck. "I'm never wearing this again." You mumble as she chuckles, drawing circles on your back with her finger. "Fair enough. But remember, I would never make fun of you."


"Ochaco, duck!" You cry out as the Nomu's clawed hand flies straight at your girlfriend's face. She dodges just in time and attacks your opponent, while you leap towards it from behind, changing into a lioness midair, and sink your fangs into its neck. You're allowed to kill them because it was proven that these horrid monsters are The League of Villains' creation and they don't actually think for themselves.

The Nomu screams and tries to rip you off its back but Ochaco distracts it by making some bricks fly and flinging them at the creation's bird-like face. We go to summer camp to train with our quirks and the entire freaking League of Villains show up, along with their Nomus!? You think to yourself. The Nomu stops trying to throw you off and attacks Ochaco but she manages to swiftly dodge all its attacks. The monster ignores you completely, as if forgetting that you're there, and focuses only on your teammate, but its attacks grow weaker and weaker. Finally, it sinks to the ground, strange blood leaking from the open wound on its neck. You let go of it, only when you're sure that that abomination is dead.

"Disgusting." You hiss after you turn back to human form and spit out its strangely-colored blood. "That thing completely forgot about me." You stare at it with your eyes narrowed. "It probably had direct orders to kill us, even if it meant destroying itself in the process." Ochaco joins in, "But I'm glad we managed to kill it."

"Yes, but... It was weak." You say.

"Huh?" Ochaco looks up at you, surprised. "I mean, it wasn't WEAK." You explain, kneeling down by the Nomu, "But it was much weaker than the one at USJ. Even All Might could barely defeat it, let alone the two of us."

"You're right!" Ochaco exclaims, "There was only one super-strong Nomu at the USJ, so why would this one suddenly be weaker. Unless..." You both turn to look at each. "There are more of them!" You both turn and dash through the forest, desperate to find and help your friends, before something terrible happens...

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