Mei Hatsume As Your Girlfriend

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"Don't worry, I got this all under control!" You hear a voice echo from down the hall. "I said no! How many times do I have to tell you that you can't blow up the school for one of your projects!" Another voice exclaims angrily, sounding frustrated and a little desperate. "I won't blow up the school!" The first voice laughs, sounding ever so slightly offended. "Like I said, all-"

Just as you're about to round the hall, the voices close and much clearer, you're thrown back as a door is blown off its hinges. You cry out in surprise, your quirk almost triggered but someone tackles you and the two of you roll twice before coming to a stop. "Uggggh..." You groan, slowly opening your eyes, and come face to face with a certain pink-haired girl.

"Mei Hatsume!" Power Loader storms out of the room and furiously points a finger at her. "Are you out of your mind? I told you not to do this five seconds ago! You could have gotten seriously hurt! And poor Y/N got caught in the crossfire. Almost literally!"

"I'm fine, really." You reassure the worried teacher, a smile on your face. "Sorry~" Hatsume chuckles, hopping up and offering you a hand. You take it and she pulls you up. "I didn't mean to tackle you like that!" She adds, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear and wiping her stained face. Despite that, you can't help but notice how gorgeous she is. 

"Oh boy..." Power Loader groans, slowly calming down. "Pull a stunt like that again, Hatsume, and you're banned from coming here for three weeks!" Hatsume just ignores him and smirks at you. "Hey, what are you doing here anyway?" She asks, folding her arms and rubbing her bottom lip with her thumb. Before you can answer, she grabs your hand and hauls into the room again, excitedly telling you all about her new creation. "And you can totally help me, right? Since you're still at school, even though all your classes ended already. And I know you're a shape-shifter! This makes everything ten times better!"

You think about ripping your hand away and running for your life but only for a few seconds. You sigh and nod your head in agreement. "Fine." You say, "I'll help you. But only if you make some good gear for me in return!"

And after that, you and Hatsume worked together on new creations every week.


Mei basically forcing you to help her on a new project barely counts as a date. Three days after the little incident, you ran into her again and invited her for coffee. You talked about all kinds of things, your class, your quirks, your hobbies, and Mei's inventions. Well, mostly Mei's inventions but you didn't mind. You went back to school after that and Mei showed you the new hero outfit design she created for you with multiple cool tricks and small gadgets that were a part of it. From all the excitement, Mei playfully kissed you, and despite your surprise, you kissed her right back. From that moment on, you started dating.


You and Mei mostly see yourselves as partners in everything. Creating new models, hanging out and studying together, and yes, dating. Even though you two don't like to name it, you shamelessly kiss all the time, even in the halls of UA. Your classmates madly ship the two of you, consider you soulmates, and even remember your anniversaries better than you yourselves. Your teachers consider it good that the two of you are together because you're better than anyone else at making sure Mei doesn't get too insane. Your calm demeanor and her crazy one even each other out and fit like puzzles.

SHE TEASES YOU (because it's obvious you like to scare everyone by turning into animals like mouses and almost giving them heart attacks...)

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