Chapter 11

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Dippers POV

It's been about a month now since Bills has been staying in the shack. so far that triangular asshole hasn't done much of anything. just walking around the shack annoying me 24/7. luckily though he seems able enough to censor his usage of nicknames. or at least his normal nicknames anyways. he came up with a different set of nicknames for everyone in the shack. mabel is star, grunkle stan is an old man, grunkle ford is four eyes, wendy is lumber girl, and soos he just ended up calling him gopher because of his teeth. rude right?

so far neither grunkle ford nor stan have started to be suspicious of him. well maybe grunkle ford but he is suspicious of all the newcomers in gravity falls. really just everyone outside of our family besides soos and wendy. though those two are basically like family. 

but mabels a different story. I don't completely know if she thinks 'will' is Bill. but occasionally she'll just sit there and stare at him thinking. eventually, she will pop out of whatever her thought process was and start talking about some random subject. honestly, I'm going to be surprised if she finds out before grunkle ford does. my sister can be a bit of a blockhead at times. 

anyways I've been talking to myself for quite a bit now I should go get ready before mabel kills me. mabels dragging the 'mystery crew' out to the beach. after the events of weridmeggedon mabel started to call our group the mystery crew. basically, it consisted of mabel, grunkle ford and stan, Pacifica, wendy, soos, me, and the newest edition Bill. 

well, as I said I better go before she kills me. I've been laying in bed talking to myself while staring into space. 

Third-Person POV

forcing himself out of his not so comfortable bed he groaned. it was still quite a bit early. earlier than everyone else was getting up. However, he would rather not have to rush around to get everything together. he'd leave that to his sister. 

quietly stepping over the sleeping body on the floor trying not to wake neither bill nor his sister he made his way to mabel's and his closet. most of the space was taken up by mabel sweaters. about a quarter of the closet had his clothes which consist of mostly jeans and t-shirts. maybe a few hoodies here and there. but seeing as it was the summer he would rather not have a heat stroke. a heat stroke was really not in his best interest. 

grabbing his swim trunks and a plain blue tee he closed the closet door. he figured it was going to be easier to just wear his swim trunks instead of ching once they arrived. he was about to go take a shower before he stepped on something or more of someone. 

"gotta go crushing people's fingers at 5 in the morning don't you kid," a groggy bill said. he sat up rubbing his fingers smiling. despite being in a human body pain was still hilarious in his books. 

dipper couldn't decide whether he should be sorry or not but decided to say it anyway. "oh sorry-" he looked over to make sure mabel was still asleep before continuing his sentence "bill just trying to get ready before everyone starts rushing" 

bill did a waving-like gesture with his hand while saying "you do you kid I'm going back to bed." with that bill went back to his blanket and fell asleep.

 it amazed dipper how a demon like him called himself quote on quote "a being of pure energy" could fall asleep faster than he could on a Monday night after taking like three tests at school. dipper laughed at the thought and made his way to the bathroom. this time not stepping on anyone or waking them up. 

he opened the door to the oddly color schemed bathroom. unlike how most of the walls in the shack were wooden and brown this one was pink. a few years back their Grunkle thought it was time to add a bathroom to dipper and mabels room so they would stop using his. he let mabel choose the pain and dipper the design. it wasn't anything special just a simple everyday bathroom. besides the fact that the walls were a very bright hot pink color. 

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