CH6 new body

138 7 5

Dippers POV

today is the day dipper. today is the day you get Bill a physical body. a lot of thoughts were running through my head today. I mean why would there not be many thoughts I'm about to give the demon that tried to kill us all a body. but... even so, I feel as if he changed a bit. he is still a confident, cocky, sometimes a bitch, sarcastic dude. but somehow a bit more... hmm how would I say it... friendly almost caring. that's a good thing though maybe this time he won't try and take over the world. 

right now grunkle ford was cooking breakfast since he couldn't stand grunkle stans stancakes. I mean who puts their hair in pancake WHO DOES THAT. "breakfast should be done in a moment kids and don't worry its edible" grunkle ford called from the kitchen. his comment made me and Mabel laugh while grunkle stan scowled. "oh come on grunkle stan lighten up your stancakes aren't that baaaadd" the brunet to my left said patting his shoulder trying to hold in a giggle. 

he looked over at her and ruffled her hair. "Thanks, Mabel. NOW IF ONLY SOMEONE COULD BE AS APPRECIATIVE AS SHE IS" he yelled sarcastically to grunkle ford. Mabel and I giggled as we heard a laugh from the kitchen. 

after waiting maybe about 5 to 10 minutes we heard grunkle Ford finally call us in for breakfast. when I say the waffles looked amazing I mean amazing. they were perfectly cooked. golden brown a little crunchy but still of at the same time. he made chocolate waffles too so you could see some of the chocolate chips on the outside just melt onto the waffle. 

grunkle ford looked real proud of himself when he saw the astonished looks on our faces. finally, he spoke up "I guess 30 years in the nightmare realm really helped with my cooking!" he joked. earning a small giggle from Mabel and a grin from me I finally spoke too "they look great grunkle ford. you should cook more often." grunkle Ford smiled at the compliment then held his arms out to tell us 'take a plate'.

"MMM GRUNKLE FORD THES ARE AMAZING!!!" my sister smiled up at him. she wasn't wrong they were really good. a little sweet but at the same time too sweet, a perfect balance between the two "shes not wrong grunkle ford these are pretty great" agreeing with Mabel I took another bite of the waffles savoring every bite. grunkle stan looked up at him rolled his eyes but still let a smile through. "not better than my stancakes but still okay. good job point dexter" he complimented his brother. 

Grunkle ford looked so surprised to hear him complimenting him but still smiled none the less.  "its nothings guys though do not expect this often cooking takes a bit too long when I could be in the lab" he said to us earning a few of us rolling our eyes at him but nodding. 

 that's all he really does now days is goes in his lab and does whatever he does down there. but I guess that is to be expected with his suspicion of Bill being back.  I really do hope he doesn't confirm his suspicion or things may get a bit awkward with me getting bill a body and all... but we'll cross that path when we come to it. reminds me I still need to find that spell and some random animal. 

finishing off the rest of my waffles I go to the sink to clean up after breakfast as it was my turn today. sighing as I look over to the sink I see a pile of dishes that needed to be washed, dryer, and put away. as good as grunkle fords cooking is I'm happy he doesn't cook often because that man uses up a lot of dishes and we don't exactly have a dishwasher unless you count some soap, water, and our hands. better get to work I guess, this will take me a bit. rolling up my sleeves as to refrain from getting any water on my shirt I start working on this pile of dishes. 



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