CH7 Diner

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Third POV

dipper ran towards Greasy's diner pulling the blond along with him. he couldn't believe that Bill had a real body right now. but he couldn't help but smile while dragging his well he guessed they are friends, now. 

the blond who was being dragged along couldn't help but smile too with a meager blush evident on his face but he was genuinely happy. a feeling he hadn't felt in year centuries even. now with a smirk falling on his face bill suddenly picked dipper up bridal style. 

"AH bill what are you doing," the boy asked as the taller one who laughed running off to the diner. "carrying you there because I'm not going to be dragged along" he laughed while dipper tried to struggle out of his grasp.  

eventually, the two reached the doors of the diner. "bill set me down please~" the boy whined. bill laughed and set him down patting his head. "fine since you asked so nicely now let's go get some food" bill shouted flinging his arms out dramatically. this gesture made dipper laughed as he opened the door for him and bill. when the two walked into the log-shaped building dipper saw his sis waving to let him know where they were. 

"so dip dop whos your friend," Mabel asked him smiling. as dipper entered the booth seat he thought about what was he going to call bill. he couldn't just use his normal name that would be a bit obvious. but before he could say anything he felt someone wrap their arms around his shoulder in a friendly way. 

"names will rehpic I'm one of p-dippers friends" he beamed as he sat next to the shorter brunet. that was almost a close one there bill thought to himself. Mabel looked at the two when a  thought had come to her mind. my Mabel senses are tingling she thought to herself then somehow smiled wider. 

"so kid are you new in town I haven't seen you around," stan asked the blond teen who sat across from him. bill was about to answer when lazy susan the waitress of greasy's diner walked up to the group of four. "is there anything I can get you people today" she asked. the pines family had already known what they were going to order didn't need to tell her what they wanted. bill on the other hand was the only one who had no idea what to get looked at dipper. 

he whispered to dipper frowning kinda embarrassed having to ask this "pine tree what do I do". bill looked at his friend wondering what the heck to do. he hadn't ever gone to a diner or really ate like a human. dipper looked at him then burst out laughing. "uh kid are you okay" his grunkle asked him. trying to calm himself down dipper sat up an order for bill "he'll have your signature pancakes". lazy susan nodded to them smiling "it'll be out soon". she left walking back to the kitchen.

stan looked at the two confused but deciding not to question them. "to answer your question Mr. pines yes I'm new dipper here and I met a few weeks ago at the library" bill smiled making up the perfect lie. Mabel looked at the two and shrieked "you two would be PERFECT TOGETHER I JUST KNOW IT."

dippers face flared up into a red blushing mess. "Mabel..." he whispers shouted hiding his face in his hands. His face was so hot he felt that if you cracked an egg over his cheeks you may just be able to cook it. bill who still had his arm around the shorter one's shoulder at there confused. "excuse me" he asked her looking confused. Mabel just sat there mumbling on about young love. 

"dip are you okay," he asked leaning into dipper face. this only made his face redden even more. he groaned just sitting there. "great will j-just peachy," he said now showing a bit of his face. bill was still completely unsure of why the dipper face was so red but shrugged it off.  "if you say so" he told him taking his arm off around his shoulder. 

"so kid tells me about yourself what brings you to gravity falls." stan asked him leading his arms on the table "not many come around here," he said suspiciously. over the years after their first summer there stan started to be more cautious of the people he let hang around his niece and nephew. 

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