CH5 movie night

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(the picture above is what a part of the clearing looks like and I do not own the photo I found it on google)

Third POV

dipper went along his day trying to think about what happened in his dream last night. every so often a blush would creep upon his face and soon enough Mabel caught him while he was deep in thought. "sooooo whos the girl your thinking about" his sister asking him made him jump. 

"that's none of your business Mabel" he mumbled out but this just made her pester him about it even more. throughout the morning until breakfast, Mabel kept asking him about the girl. "Mabel I told you before I'm not thinking about a girl or anyone" he huffed after eventually getting tired of his sister questions. 

"Okay okay, fine grumpy butt. you'll tell me soon enough~~~" and with that, she ran downstairs to get herself something to eat. "ugh she is so annoying at times" he shook his head to himself but smiled. getting up from bed he got ready for the day and head downstairs. 

"morning kid make yourself whatever you want for breakfast," stan said looking up from his newspaper. the teen just nodded and went over to get a bowl of cereal. "grunkle stan dipper won't tell me about the girl he is thinking about!!!" yelled Mabel as she came through the door.

dipper just about spit his cereal out as he heard her yell. "a girl eh... so kid whos the girl" stan now fully looking up from his paper smirked. dipper now slightly blushing awkwardly shouted "it's n-no one okay." this just made the other two question him even more. 'oh a girl~~~'  a distant echoy voice said in dippers mind. 'shut it Bill' he told Bill but he just laughed. this just made the teen groan again and got up. "I'm going for walk I'll be back"

"be safe kid" called his grunkle. he nodded then walked out the door. well, this day is off to a great start he thought to himself. he didn't really go anywhere imparticular just started walking through the forest. while going down a random path without noticing dipper started humming a tune to himself. 

"we'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when~, oh I know we'll meet again some sunny day" a voice coming from the forest started singing along to the tune then laughed. hearing this made the boy stop then laugh along with him 'explains why it sounded so familiar' 

now looking around dipper saw that without really trying he had come back to the clearing. "so you like that song huh Pinetree" smirked the blond now hugging him from behind. not even trying to push the demon off he laughed. "maybe I do maybe I don't" he smirked at Bill. 

somewhat surprised by the brunet words Bill just smiled and hugged Dipper tighter. "I thought sarcasm was my thing," he said chuckling. "so now who was that girl shooting star was talking about."

now blushing dipper looked up at Bill having to tilt his head a little to see him. crossing his arms and huffed he mumbled "i-it's not a girl". now smiling Bill leaned in and whispered "so maybe a boy". the blush on his face was more noticeable as he was bright red. "no I'm not even gay... think". 

now frowning a bit Bill looked at him a bit disappointing. wait why am I even disappointed  thinking to himself. the two sat like that for a while until Dipper spoke up breaking the awkward silence ", uh so I was thinking about trying to get the 3rd journal from grunkle Ford today". this piqued the blond demon's interest. he hadn't really been thinking much about getting his new body as of lately. but that didn't mean he didn't want it as fast as possible. "oh, and how do you suppose you're going to do that?" he asked though he knew the answer already. Stanford had always trusted Dipper with the journals so asking him would be the easiest thing to do. 

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