CH 4 Fireworks

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Dippers POV

it's been about a week since Bill had reminded me what he wanted from me. To be honest, how the heck did I not even hear him and I didn't think that he would just want a body and that the spell would be so simple even if he was helping me with it. I let out a small sigh and just scroll through Netflix on my laptop. 

"ugh, there is nothing good on here" still trying to scroll and find something I finally stopped on stranger things (I do not own the show I'm sure you know but I do not feel like getting sued if that is possible). it seemed interesting enough I mean anything seems interesting when you see a girl using some type of powers. 

even though it was only like 2 in the afternoon I decided to change into my pajamas as I did not expect to really be going anywhere today. starting to get comfy Mabel crashes through the door slamming it open and yelled " DIPPER WE"RE GOING TO SEE THE RANDOM FIREWORK SHOW TONIGHT!!!" and just as she came in she left. that's my sister for you crashing through the door yelling something than leaving. 

and just as I was getting comfy too. oh well sighing I get up and change back into my day clothes. why is there even a firework show anyways it's the middle of June? It's not even at least July yet.  oh well I mean at least it's something to do. 'heya pine tree'  squeaking and jumping I could hear bill greet me. 'gosh dammit it Bill don't scare me like that' I somewhat yelled at him. well if that is possible within my mind, but I knew it would just make him laugh. 

hearing him laugh I just grumbled about how he shouldn't scare me but eventually left it alone. 'sorry not really it's funny seeing you jump out of your skin even if it isn't literally' he laughed I just sighed but giggled along with him. I mean if I'm stuck with him for a while I mindless (Idk if I spelled that right for this situation so don't question it) get used to him joking around. 

'okay bill' rolling my eyes. I continue getting my stuff together for the show tonight. but like really why is there even a firework show in the middle of June. 

3rd pov

the teen just sighed to himself shaking his head while listing to bill laugh at his small grumbling. 'calm down kid it's just a firework show.' laughed the demon and if he could have patted the males back. dipper looked up as if to look at the demon 'but it's June... you know what oh well it's going to be fun' he finally smiled to himself trying to enjoy the fact he wasn't going to be bored all day. 

eventually, dipper got done with getting everything ready and decided to go for a small walk in the forest. walking along the rough, rocky, dirt path he smiled to himself. he hadn't been in the forest for a while after what happened. ford got worried about what might have happened and decided that the forest was a bit dangerous. 

extending his arm out so his fingers could graze up against the needles on the pine tree around. letting out a content exhale of air the male smiled to himself. walking along the forest all ways calmed him down even if he was already kind of calm. 

eventually, the path led dipper into that clearing he had come by last week. it still looked as beautiful and calming as it did. suddenly the brunet jumped hearing something step on a stick. "who's there?" he yelled with his voice cracking. a tall slim male figure stepped out of the woods.

"come on pine tree can't recognize your friendly everyday dream demon" smirked bill. dipper let out a relieved sigh catching his breath from the small panic attack he just had. "BILL DON"T SCARE ME LIKE THAT" he punched bill in the chest which only made him laugh. 

"damm kid sorry" he laughed and ruffled the shorter one's hair. dipper just turned around and let out a small pouting look. "wait Bill how are you even here" 

Thought I Was Gone (adopted)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon