The Break In.

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Diego Immediately tried to wake up five but he wasn't waking up. Diego left five and went to go get Klaus and the rest of there siblings. Diego said "Klaus someone is in the house, go get five and get him to the basement." Klaus replied "Got it, go get everyone else." Diego nodded.

Klaus walked into fives room and picked five up and walked out of the room. Klaus heard a couple of gun shots and tried to go as fast as possible but he didn't want to go to fast and risk bumping into something or knocking something over. Klaus went as quietly and quickly as he could but another problem was that he didn't want to wake up five. Klaus finally made it to the stair case and started going down the stairs. Once Klaus made it down to the basement he put five down on a couch and sat there waiting for five to wake up.

While Klaus was watching five Diego was fighting off two people named Hazel and Cha Cha and they had come to take five and kill him because that was what they needed to do for there boss. Diego tried sneaking downstairs and making a sneak attack on Hazel and Cha Cha, but Hazel and Cha Cha saw him and started shooting at him and then Luther came in to help Diego. Diego and Luther started fighting Hazel and Cha Cha and they chased them off.

When Luther and Diego were finished fighting Hazel and Cha Cha they went down to the basement to see if five and Klaus had made down there safely. When Diego and Luther made it down to the basement where Klaus and five were hiding, five was still sleeping and Klaus was sitting right next to him making sure that he was ok. Luther asked "his five ok? he has been sleeping for a while." Klaus responded "I don't know but I hope that he is." that's when Diego said "The people who broke in, they were here to take away five but they wouldn't tell us why." Luther said "we can ask five when he wakes up." Klaus said as quickly as he could " No, he has been sleeping for a while and he is very weak we cant just bombard him with questions." Diego agreed and then they brought him back upstairs. A few minutes later five woke up and Klaus was sitting beside his bed and then Klaus asked "Two people broke into the house this morning while you were sleeping, do you know who they are? they were looking for you." Five answered "I don't know who they are. why were they here for me? did I do something? Is it cause i time travel?" Klaus answered "I don't know but don't stress over it."

Half an hour later Klaus and five went downstairs where Diego, Luther, and Vanya were waiting for them because they had to have a family meeting but the only problem was that Allison wasn't there but she was on her way from London. Klaus and five had made it downstairs and they were waiting for Alisson to show up.

That's when they heard the locks on the door open and the door creek.  That's when everyone got alert and Luther and Diego went to go check it out while Klaus and Vanya stayed with five. Then there was gun fire and Diego dogged the bullets and Luther was behind the people who broke in and Luther grabbed one of them and threw him across the room while Diego was throwing his knifes and the other person. Klaus told Vanya to get five into the room right around the corner. Vanya did what Klaus said and helped five get to the bedroom.

Klaus, Diego and Luther started fighting the people and then they left, no one knew why but they did.  After that Luther and Klaus went to tell Vanya and five that they were ok to come out but when they walked in Vanya was on the floor unconscious and five was missing. Once Vanya woke up Klaus was so mad and yelled " Where is five? you were there to protect him. Tell me what happened. Vanya then answered with a tear rolling down her face " two people came into the room and took five and they put a weird bracelet on him that would Absorb all of his special ability's." Klaus exclaimed "how could you let them do that. he is weak enough and that could kill him." Vanya said " I didn't know." Klaus said "did you even try stopping the people from taking him." Vanya said "No." Klaus got so mad he went to his bedroom and slammed the door shut. Diego said "good job Vanya, you made us just lose five again." then he stormed off into his room. then there was only Luther left and Luther tried to look at the good side of things but he couldn't and lashed out at Vanya " You might have just killed our brother. From how weak he was before he was taken he will die within the next 48 hours." Vanya said "I am sorry, I didn't know." Luther exclaimed "of course you didn't Vanya, cause your just ordinary." then Luther walked away.

Klaus decided to take matters into his own hands and he left the house through the window trying to find his brother five.

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