The disease!

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There hands were glowing blue and then both Klaus and Five at the same time got a headache that was so bad and then again at the same time both of there noses and ears started bleeding and then they both passed out onto the floor.

When Diego woke up he went into the room to check on five but when he found both five and Klaus on the floor with blood coming out of there ears and noses that's when he called Luther, Alisson and Vanya to come into the room and when Vanya saw five she freaked out and ran up to him. While Alisson and Vanya were trying to stop the bleeding Diego and Luther cam up with an idea. They thought that if they got at least one of them awake they could ask them what happened and they would need to try and keep them awake. They told their idea to Vanya and Alisson and they both agreed. 

everyone agreed to wake up Klaus because five still might not be able to speak. So they all made the decision to try and wake up Klaus. Vanya kept trying to stop five from bleeding, while Alisson tried to stop Klaus's bleeding and Luther was holding Klaus's head up and Diego kept on slapping Klaus's face but after 20 minutes he didn't wake up. So they decided to move both Klaus and Five onto a bed and then they made the decision to try and wake up five. Vanya tried stopping the bleeding and Diego held up fives head and Luther was slapping his face after the first time Luther slapped fives face fives legs kept moving and twitching so Alisson was holding Fives legs. After 10 minutes five opened his eyes. A smile came across Vanya's face and then Diego asked "what happened to you and Klaus?" Five said " All I remember is that I had a headache and then...and then I don't remember." Vanya then said "its ok, just try and remember." Then Luther asked "why are you bleeding?" Five said " I*+ don't remember." then Luther got mad and five and grabbed his shoulders and started shaking him and saying "what do you mean you don't remember!?" and he kept doing it over and over again and everyone was yelling at him to stop but he wouldn't listen anyone.

Luther was out of control and until it happened again fives hands started glowing blue and he got a major head ache and his nose and ears started bleeding but this time it was worse this time his eyes turned white and he started having a seizure but not only five it happened to Klaus too and at the same time. Vanya started freaking out and Luther just left the room while Diego and Alisson were trying to help five and Klaus. then they both passed out again. Vanya then stormed out of the room and grabbed Luther's arm and screamed "how could you do this? Five was the only one in this family who accepted everyone." Luther then said "yea but he still left." Vanya got so mad she went back into the room where Klaus and five were in and she screamed at Diego and Alisson "Everyone get out right now!" both Diego and Alisson left the room and Vanya sat next to five and started crying. That's when Vanya started slapping fives face and saying "wake up, wake five, please wake up." 

Then Alisson walked into the room and said "Vanya we will fix this." Vanya then said " I just want him to wake up." Alisson said "Me too but we just have to wait" Vanya nodded and then she walked out of the room because she needed some space. Then Vanya went back into the room.

About an hour later five and Klaus woke up but they were coughing a lot and then Vanya called Alisson and Diego and then Vanya rushed over to five to help him turn on his side and Alisson was helping Klaus turn on his side and Both of them were coughing non stop. Vanya tried helping five but then his hands started glowing blue again but this time it was different he started doing space jumps around the room and he couldn't stop. Then Klaus's hands started glowing blue and then he kept disappearing and reappearing like he was becoming a ghost and that's when I realized that things were about to get a whole lot harder.

The next day Five was still doing space jumps around the room and Klaus was still disappearing and reappearing. Neither Klaus or Five were speaking but the problem was they kept bleeding from there ears and noses and we couldn't help stop the bleeding if they kept moving around. after a few days five had almost blinked out for 30 minutes just in space and Klaus had almost disappeared for 30 minutes as well. Vanya was so worried when Five blinked into space for almost an hour and then she had enough, she went to her father.

Vanya said "father, I know that you hate me but number five and number four are going through a sickness or disease and I don't know what to do." her father asked "what are there symptoms?" Vanya said " number 4 is disappearing and reappearing like he is ghost and number five is doing space jumps and he can't control them." her father said "I see, I can take a look later." Vanya said "please father, I am so worried about number five, he is lost in space for over half an hour." her father exclaimed " I told you I will look later." then Vanya walked away.

Vanya then walked into the room that five was in and she realized he wasn't space jumping anymore and his eyes were blue not white and his nose and eyes stopped bleeding but he still had a headache. Vanya asked "five, are you ok?" five yelled "my head hurts." Vanya said " do you want some water or something to eat?" he said "No, I just want this headache to go away." he said with a tear rolling down his face. Vanya then sat behind him and five slowly fell backwards on to Vanya's lap and five was holding his head and said " Vanya it hurts." Vanya said "I know five but you can fight it your strong enough." Then five fell asleep and then fifteen minutes later Vanya fell asleep.

Then Alisson walked into the room and saw Vanya and five sleeping together and then she noticed that Klaus wasn't disappearing anymore and she hugged him and said "how are you doing?" Klaus said "I am doing fine" then Alisson asked "do you have a headache like five?" "No." Klaus exclaimed. Then Klaus said "maybe because he is younger it affects him worse." "maybe" said Alisson. Klaus then said " I am tired so i am going to sleep now." Alisson said "goodnight Klaus."

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