The rescue.

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While Klaus, Luther, Alisson, and Diego were on there way to the motel where Hazel and Cha Cha were holding five captive. Klaus received another video of five but this time the video had a message the message that five would only live for another 15 minutes and that they had won. Klaus lost it he yelled at Luther to go faster and Luther did. Once they got to the motel Klaus received another video but this one was a live video and they were going to be filming five dying and Klaus was so mad he ran as fast as he could and once he found the room that five was in he called the others and then they kicked open the door and while Alisson, Luther and Diego were fighting Hazel and Cha Cha, Klaus was trying to get five out of there but the longer five had the bracelet on the faster he would die, so while Klaus was trying to get the bracelet off of five Diego was holding Hazel and Alisson was punching him across the face and Luther was fighting with Cha Cha. 

While everyone was fighting Klaus realized that he only had 2 minutes to get the bracelet off of five before her died and while Klaus was working on the bracelet Diego told Alisson to help Klaus get the bracelet off and that he could handle Hazel. Hazel and Cha Cha were badly injured and left. Once they left Klaus and Alisson only had 30 seconds to get that bracelet off of five and then Diego and Luther came and Diego took out one of his knives and cut the bracelet off with only 2 seconds left. Luther then picked up five and everyone got in the car. Klaus, Five, and Diego sat in the back of the car and Klaus was trying to wake up five but he wouldn't wake up. Diego kept slapping fives face hoping he would wake up.

Once they arrived home they put five in bed. A few hours later five woke up but was very weak and Klaus asked "how you doing?" five opened his mouth but he couldn't get a word out. Klaus then called everyone else in the room and Klaus exclaimed "five is so weak he can't speak." Alisson said " Just give him time to get his strength back." Then everyone except five made the decision to give five a shot that will keep him asleep for at least 7 hours. five didn't like the decision but before he could reject he was already given the shot and he fell asleep very quickly. 

Just a few minutes after five fell asleep Vanya walked into the room and asked "How is he?" Diego without even blinking said "get out, you don't get to ask if he is ok. you are the one who let him be taken."  Vanya said "I know, I just wanna say sorry." Then Klaus jumped into the conversation "He is to weak to talk and he is sleeping right now. so come back later." Vanya put her head down and she started crying and left the room. Alisson said "was that really necessary?" Klaus and Diego both said "yes." Then Alisson let out a sigh and left the room and Luther went right behind her.   Luther and Alisson started talking " Why does Vanya deserve this?" Luther said " They hate her now because of what happened during the break in." Alisson yawned and said 'I am kind a tired, I am going to sleep, goodnight Luther." "goodnight Alisson." exclaims Luther.

The next morning five woke up and no one else was awake but he had gained back some of his strength and got up out of his bed and he had to hold on to the wall but he made it downstairs and then he saw his father but he tried his best to avoid talking to him because he still couldn't but his father noticed him and said "So number 5,  what have you been up to all these years?" five took out a pen and paper and then before he could start writing his father "come on number five talk to me don't be a wimp I am your father after all." five wrote on his paper "hi dad, I cant speak because I am to weak and I am sorry that I left." His father said "Be strong, get out of my sight right now." then five went all the way back upstairs and back into his bedroom, where Klaus was waiting for him "where were you? I thought you were taken again." five wrote down on a piece of paper " I was downstairs talking to dad." Klaus then said "don't do that again you don't have enough strength yet."  As five was walking back to his bed his hands started glowing blue and then Klaus's hands started glowing blue as well. was it because they are brothers or was it something else?

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