Taken Away.

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Five was walking down the stairs talking to Diego when someone hit him in the back of the head with a baseball bat. Diego tried stopping them he choked them and started punching them right across the face. While Diego was fighting the guy Diego got knocked out by some other guy. Meanwhile Klaus was just making a sandwich that's when Luther saw Diego and Five knocked out on the floor but that's when he knew that it was Hazel and Cha Cha.

Luther then knew that he had to go and warn Klaus and when Luther got to the kitchen he was to late Klaus was gone and then Luther looked all around the house for Klaus but he couldn't find him any where and when Luther came back to where five and Diego were knocked out but five was gone and Diego was still knocked out so Luther woke up Diego and told him what happened."

When five woke up he was in a room and Klaus was in the room with him and he was yelling at five to wake up and when five told Klaus that he was awake Klaus said "Hazel and Cha Cha took us we are trapped. they are running some test's on us because of the disease and you better hope that you don't get a headache and start bleeding." Five said "I know." Then they just sat there in silence.

A few minutes later Cha Cha came to visit five and Klaus and she said "tomorrow we will start running tests on you two." then she left.  five said "What if I get a headache?" Klaus said "Just try and be positive." Then Five fell asleep on Klaus's lap and Klaus waited fifteen minutes before he went to sleep just to make sure that five would be ok.

The next morning Klaus woke up and noticed that fives ears had started bleeding and that five was holding his head which meant that he got a bad headache and he didn't want Hazel or Cha Cha to see so Klaus took off his shirt and covered Fives ears so that Hazel and Cha Cha wouldn't see the blood dripping from Fives ears. Now the only problem was that Klaus had to make sure that five didn't scream in pain like he usually does.

When five woke up Klaus covered his mouth because that's when he started screaming. Klaus felt so bad but before he could tell five to calm down Hazel walked into the room and Grabbed five and said " We will start with five and then we will do you." then he walked away with five. Klaus was so worried that Hazel and Cha Cha had found out about fives headaches because he can only handle the pain quietly for so long.

About three hours later Hazel came back and threw five into the room and said "your next Klaus." then he walked away. Klaus immediately rushed over to five who was lying on the floor holding his head and his stomach. That's when Klaus asked "what did they do to you?" Five answered "They took my blood and they put me in a couple machine's." Klaus said "Are you alright? where did they put the needle?" Five answered "In my arm but when they found out about my headache and my ears bleeding they beat me and told me not to hide stuff like that ever again." " oh my god I am so sorry five." Klaus said and before Five could speak Hazel came in and took Klaus.

About an hour later Hazel came back and threw Klaus in to the room and locked the door. Five crawled over to Klaus and asked "are you ok?" Klaus then said "yea just tired." Then five laid down on the floor and Klaus asked "Don't you want to sleep on the bed?" Five said " It hurts to much getting up." so then Klaus got up and covered fives mouth and then helped him up on to the bed and as soon as he got on the bed he passed out. Klaus covered fives mouth because he didn't want Hazel and Cha Cha hearing him scream. Then Klaus laid down on the bed next to five and waited fifteen minutes to make sure that five was fully asleep, then Klaus went to sleep.

The next morning Klaus woke up and saw that five was still asleep but his nose and ears were bleeding so he turned five on to his back and Started wiping the blood from his nose but before he could finish wiping the blood, Cha Cha came in and said "wake your brother up, he is getting tests in five minutes." Klaus just nodded then she walked away. Klaus kept wiping the blood and saying "come on wake up five." then after a minute for two five woke up and Klaus asked "how is your headache? can you handle the pain for a few hours?"  Five responded "I don't know it huts really bad worse then yesterday." Klaus said "ok, just try not to scream or hold your head at all." five nodded and then Cha Cha said " Lets go." then she grabbed five and pulled him out of the room.

About half an hour later Klaus heard a scream from outside the room and down the hall and it sounded like five, Klaus grew so worried. Then two hours later Cha Cha came in and threw five on the ground. She said " Our materials are messy today, you will be tested tomorrow Klaus." Klaus just gave her a nasty look and then she walked away. Five was on the floor, then Klaus asked "why did you scream?" Five answered "because of this" then he lifted his shirt and Klaus saw a cut on his stomach that was bleeding out and Before Klaus got the chance to help five Cha Cha came and said "we changed our minds, lets go Klaus." before Klaus walked towards the door he looked at five and then walked out. 

About half an hour later five heard a scream from down the hall and then Five started getting worried for Klaus. Then two hours later they threw Klaus on the ground. Five asked "are you ok? why did you scream?" Klaus responded " I screamed because of this" then he lifted his sleeve and there was a cut on his arm and it was bleeding. Five said " I have an idea" Klaus said "I am listening." Five exclaimed " If we use my ability to time travel and your ability to talk to the dead and put them together we can make it." Klaus asked "how?" Five exclaimed "we will hold hands and use our powers we will have a way to get out." Then Klaus said " you and I are to weak." Five said " If we put our powers together it might work." Klaus nodded and then they both stood up with whatever strength they had and then held hands and both of there hands started glowing blue, and then five put all of his strength into his power and before they could make it work five collapsed and good thing Klaus caught him other wise Five would have fell into a pool of his own blood on the floor. 

Klaus placed five on the bed and then realized that they needed to get out of there or else they might die. So Klaus started thinking but there was no luck. Five was unconscious on the bed and Klaus didn't have any ideas on how to escape without using fives space jump ability. They would use five's space jump ability but it would make five weak and Klaus didn't want to hurt five. Then once Klaus gave up trying to find a way out he just fell asleep.

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