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Matt's POV

It's been a week and Case hasn't called.

Needless to say that I'm pretty depressed.

I never realized how much of an impact Case had on my life until she was gone.

I feel so lost.

I have no idea why she left.

And I think that's what's killing me.

I laid back in my bunk, staring up at the ceiling.

Thoughts were flowing through my mind, when I heard the door open.

I looked down and there was Brian.

"Hey." He said softly.

"Hi." I said back.

"How are you doing?" He asked me.

"I'm fine." I told him.

He jumped up on Zacky's bed so he could see me better.

"Be honest." Brian said.

"My heart feels like it's been trampled by a stampede of elephants." I grumbled.

"Ouch. At least you're being honest now." He said lowly.

"Yeah." I said.

It was quiet for a minute.

"Have you talked to her?" I asked quietly.

Another moment passed.

"No. Haven't heard from her. Have no idea where she could be." Brian said.

I nodded slowly, turning my eyes back to the ceiling.

The pain in my chest started to grow at the thought of not knowing where she's at.

"I miss her." I said lowly.

"I know you do man. I'm sorry about what happened." Brian said.

"Yeah I am too. I think if I knew why she left, then maybe this would be easier." I said.

"Do you really think that?" Brian said.

"Yeah." I told him.

"Knowing why Case left, won't make the ache in your heart go away. You're in love with her. More in love then I've ever seen  you before. That doesn't go away. Not easily anyway." Brian said.

"Yeah. I'm trying not to think about it. It hurts too bad." I said.

"Why don't you try calling her man? She's probably missing you just as bad as you're missing her." Brian said.

Thinking of seeing Case again, made my heart swell.

I miss her so much.

I just want to hold her in my arms.

I don't even care why she left, as long as she's back here with me.

"She left for a reason Brian. She obviously doesn't want to be with me anymore." I grumbled.

"That's bullshit. I saw the way she would look at you. She is head over heels in love with you. The fact that she got jealous every time Val was around you was evidence right there." Brian said.

I closed my eyes.

I didn't want to think about this anymore.

I just want to close my eyes, and have this concert be over so I wallow in my own self pity alone, and at home.

"Can we, um, talk about this later. I'm pretty tired Brian." I said.

"Yeah sure dude. Call if you need anything." He said, jumping off the bunk and heading towards the door.

He was almost out the door when I called him.

"Thanks for listening Bri." I said lowly.

A small smile spread across his face.

"That's what best friends are for." He said, walking out the door and closing it behind him.

I laid there for twenty minutes, singing lyrics to keep thoughts of Case out of my mind.

My cell phone ringing brought me back to reality.

I looked down at my caller i.d. and didn't recognize the number.

I contemplated not answering and decided against it.

"Hello?" I said.

"We should have a chat." The voice said.

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