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Case's POV

"Is it really that hard for you to follow simple instructions?" I asked Val in irritation.

She smirked and cocked her hip.

"Oops. Did I do that wrong again?" She asked mockingly.

I took in a deep breath, trying to have patience.

The last thing I wanted was to fly off the handle and attack Val.

Matt would be pissed.

And I don't want to fight with him over this bitch.

"Yeah. You did that wrong again. So why don't you go somewhere else, and I'll finish setting up the merch booth." I suggested, really hoping that she would take the offer.

She tilted her head to the side, her finger tapping her chin.

"Hmmmm. Interesting option you're giving me." She smirked.

I closed my eyes and sighed.

"But I think I'll stay right here." Val said.

My eyes opened and I stared at her.

"It's one thing to try and start fights between me and Matt because you're jealous. It's another thing entirely to try and mess things up for their fans." I told her angrily.

She didn't even look fazed by what I was saying.

I picked up my walkie talkie and pressed the talk button.

"JB?" I called.

There was a few moments of silence and I almost started to curse myself.

"What's up Case?" He asked.

I grinned and looked at Val.

The look of confusion on her face was priceless.

"You don't happen to have room for one more helper, do you?" I asked sweetly.

There was another pause.

"Yeah, why?" He asked.

I could hear the hesitation in his voice and it made me laugh.

"Im sending her up." I told him.

I turned to Val with a victorious smile.

"They need your help. Scoot along." I said, shooing her with my hands.

She scowled at me and I grinned as I turned my attention back to the merch table.

I breathed in a sigh of relief.

Finally some peace and quiet.

Just what I've been looking for. 

I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist.

The smile that spread across my face could've out shone the sun.

I turned around in Matt's arms and kissed his chest.

He leaned down at rested his chin on my forehead.

"How are things going out here?" He asked me.

"A lot better now that Val isn't messing everything up." I told him.

He pulled away so he could look at me.

"What do you mean?" Matt asked.

I explained to him what happened and a look of frustration went across his face.

"Fuck. I'm sorry babe." He said, leaning down to give me a kiss.

"It's not your fault." I said softly.

"I'm sorry." He said again.

I looked at him in confusion.

"Why do you keep apologizing?" I asked.

"Because you're gonna be mad at what I'm gonna tell you." Matt said.

I pushed myself out of his arms and crossed them over my chest.

"What?" I asked.

Matts eyes closed and I could tell he was really worried about how I was going to react.

I took his hands in mine and led him over to a chair, making him sit down.

"Babe, just tell me." I said.

He took in a deep breath.

"You know how Val was supposed to leave next week?" He asked me.

"Yes." I nodded slowly.

"Well, she's staying for the rest of the tour. On our bus." Matt said.

I stayed quiet, letting his words sink in.

"Why is she  staying in our bus?" I asked.

"Jason can't handle her anymore. He feels really bad because her knows how you feel about her. But he doesn't want to be near her." Matt said.

I nodded.

As much as I disliked Val, I could deal with her.

I didn't want to have to push her off on someone else.

That's not fair.

Especially to Jason.

"As long as you promise me one thing, I won't complain." I said.

"Anything." He agreed quickly.

"Don't let her come between us." I whispered.

Matts arms were instantly around me and he moved me to his lap.

"You dont ever have to worry about that. I love you Cassedy." He murmured.

I smiled softly and pressed my forehead against his.

Its gonna take a lot of energy to deal with the next few months.

Especially with Val doing everything she can do annoy everyone but Matt.

But as I look st his face now, I can see that its all worth it.

Matt is worth it all.

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