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Case's POV

I smiled in victory as I walked back to the merch booth.

I love teasing him.

Sends a thrill through me.

The look he gets in his eye sometimes, is enough to drive me absolutely crazy.

Matt was behind the merch booth, trying to regulate things and make them more organized.

I went up behind him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"How are things going Mr. Berry?" I asked him.

"Complete fucking chaos. As usual." He said with a chuckle.

"Do we have a bullhorn?" I said.

He looked sort of confused but went under the table and pulled out a bullhorn.

I turned back to the crowd that was pushing against the table.

They were so excited about getting merch and the meet and greet the guys are doing after the show.

I stood in front of the table and turned the bullhorn on.

"How are you guys doing?" I asked.

They all screamed and cheered and I couldn't help but smile.

"I know the guys are really happy that you are here. And we're excited to see you all too. We're trying to get everything set up as organized and as quick as we can. If you guys will bare with us and make two straight lines, it will make our jobs easier, and you guys will be able to get into the venue quicker." I told them.

They all cheered again and surprisingly did what I asked.

I smiled as I walked over to them and asked them to move back a few feet so I could set up a barrier until we finish setting up the table.

"You guys are really awesome. We're almost done setting up and then you can all go and see Avenged fucking SEVENFOLD!" I screamed through the horn.

They all started to yell again and I smiled and walked behind the booth.

I helped Matt lay out the shirts in different piles, sizes and designs.

We laid the sweaters, hats, and posters.

I could hear everyone getting rowdier and rowdier as the minutes passed.

I looked over at Matt.

"We all set?" I asked him.

He smiled over at me.

"Definitely. They are even more excited now after your speech," Matt said with a smile.

I grinned and looked over at one of the guys' friend who was helping us too.

I nodded and he opened the line to let everyone flow through.

I smiled as the people who weren't being helped yet, started chanting "Sevenfold! Sevenfold!".

We got through the hectic line and then me and Matt found two people to watch the booth so we could watch the guys set.

I smiled and sang along with the music as everyone went crazy.

I looked at Matt as he gave his all on the stage.

He let the fans know everything he's feeling when he performs.

If he's worried, mad, upset, or fucking happy, he shares it when he gets in front of the crowd.

He just lets it out.

And it makes it even more amazing to watch.

They finished Beast and the Harlot and the light shone on Zacky who was sitting center stage with his acoustic.

I smiled as Matt walked all over the stage as Zacky strummed away.

He passed the side of the stage I was on and blew my kiss.

I couldn't help but blush as I looked down to my feet.

"Just want to give this shout out, to one of the most important women in my life. Case, this ones for you baby." Matt said as the song started and Matt's soft but strong voice filled the air.

My eyes started to slightly burn and I blinked the tears away as they started to play Seize The Day.

It's such a beautiful song.

Has strong vocals and even stronger words.

It gives me chills every time I hear it.

But now that he's dedicated the song to me in front of thousands of people, it makes it even more special.

I swayed from side to side as I listened and closed my eyes, letting his voice envelope me.

I felt an arm go around my shoulder and I looked up at Matt Berry.

He was smiling as he looked out at the guys.

Dan came over and wrapped his arm around my waist.

I was sandwiched between them and they both looked down at me.

"He really does love you." Matt said.

I looked up at him and smiled.

"I've never seen him this way with a girl. Not even Val." Dan added.

"Guess I'm special then, huh?" I asked them softly.

"Yeah. You are." They both said.

I smiled and looked out at Matt.

"He's special too. And I love him with all of my heart." I told them.

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