Nezu is...

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So something just clicked with me the other day and I had to sit there for a minute and digest.....
Nezu is a realistic Mickey mouse.

If you made Micket moyses proportions a bit less cartoony and then say Nezu has that one syndrome that turns hair white after torture it starts get hard to argue.

The size comparisons and the fact that  theres that arguement that Mickeys not normal based on comparisons to pluto and other dog or cow sized characters.

Then if you take some of the cartoon methods for thwarting people its just a comedic way of portraying the same thing high specs does with his domino effects.

Nezu is a real life Mickey mouse.
Prove me wrong

There was a game released in 2020 that stars a mad rat god of destruction  called nezumi no kamisama.
Im tempted to believe these two entities/ developments are related.

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