Marcus A. & Callum I. - Prema Cooking Challenge

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Thanks to it being the winter break and off season most people had too much free time on their hands. You would think with F1 and F2 being two of the more serious sports in the world, people associated with it would put their new found time towards training or improving their skills. However, working your ass off in a gym didn't mean there wasn't space for some fun with older and newer friends. That was exactly what the people at Prema planned, after a few of their past and present drivers took to Twitter and joked about a challenge that fans immediately loved the sound of. It was easy to please their followers when they showed them what they would love to see happening in the future. Even better when it was a challenge that was easy to set up and just invite some people over for a few days to film it. The most they had to plan was the setup of the small little kitchen areas and getting the equipment needed.

Several of the invited people took flights to Italy that gave them a few days prior to the filming days and planned on going home only after spending a bit more time there. Most of them haven't been for a visit since they left the team and wanted to catch up with past colleagues and friends. That was exactly how Marcus planned his visit to Italy and arrived there two days early, texting their group as soon as he was in the hotel to finally meet up with them. Even after going their own ways the group chat stayed active and they made sure to catch up when they had time. Having a great friendship didn't mean they can keep that up without working for it. It was easier when you met up everyday thanks to working together, but they managed to get into a rhythm that worked for everyone, after changing teams and moving away. They now had two days to fully catch up, not just over the phone but in real life, giving them a chance to focus on the tasks on the real filming day, and not on finally meeting again.

After those first days it was time for the filming day, meaning an early start for everyone. By 9 a.m. everyone was changed into clothes that went with the cooking theme and was accepted by all the other teams and sponsors for the challenge and ready to start. They were separated into pairs and sent to different rooms. They set up cooking stations in different rooms of the building, so they could record everyone at the same time but still separately. It would have been chaos if they tried to get 15 youngsters to work next to each other. It would have been fantastic for a food fight video, but not for anything else.

" Are we ready? " Callum heard and looked up from where he was organizing the ingredients they were given, just seconds ago. Looking to his right he could see Marcus nodding and he repeated the movement with his own head. " Then 3, 2, 1. Rolling. " The same person counted down and then stepped aside

" Welcome everyone. We're back at the Prema office for a day, sporting the Italian red color, to show you guys our kitchen skills. " Marcus started speaking immediately, remembering the script perfectly and looking into the camera that was positioned in a way to see both of them and the countertops in front of them. " Yes, you heard right, we're the ones cooking today, but I'm not sure these will be served at lunch for safety reasons. " Marcus smiled, making everyone laugh around the room.

" Yes, we're not here to kill anyone. We have a few ingredients, but did not get a receipt if I'm right. " Callum looked around, waiting to see if someone would deny what he said. " So I guess our objective is making something that involves everything we got? " He asked looking down at the ingredients around the counter.

" Exactly. Firstly, we will give you a minute to look at everything and then you will have to guess what you have to make. The one who guesses right gets a bit of help from us. " The organizer told them, both of them nodding and going through all the food in front of them to get an idea what they're making. " Okay, times up. Take a guess in 3, 2, 1. " Both of them were still looking down waiting for the countdown.

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