~Queen's Call~

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Volt didn't bother to wait for her. He strode down the hall, magic shimmering in a haze around him. Or maybe her eyes were just blurry. Maevus blinked hard to clear her vision, keeping one hand on the wall as she made her way toward the stairs. The ripple of magic was still there, clinging to the irritated set of his shoulders and shimmering around his hands.

Maevus groaned internally. Whatever this was, it was not going to be pleasant.

His feet light on the steps, Volt descended to the next floor. Maevus tried to hurry, but her equilibrium had other ideas. A warm smell of fresh bread floated up the stairs, making her belly snarl. Alone, Maevus allowed herself a brief pout, wishing she could just blow Vraylor off in favor of going to the main hall and stuffing her face.

She managed to get to the second floor without running into anyone or succumbing to the dizziness beginning to build in her head. When she got to the door leading into Vraylor's office, she leaned against the wall and caught her breath. Her lips felt dry and cracked, her tongue like sandpaper.

After she talked to Vraylor, she decided, she was going to get some breakfast and nothing was going to stop her.

With that thought to bolster her, she straightened, used the sleeve of her shirt to wipe the sweat from her brow and pushed the door open. Her ears popped and her eyes were dazzled by the lightning shimmering around Volt's hands. The blueish streaks of energy zigzagged up his arms and got lost in the folds of his dark cloak.

Vraylor sat in the chair behind his desk, looking worn out. His tan skin had a sallow undertone and there were bruise-like shadows beneath his icy eyes. Maevus eased the door shut behind her, every muscle in her body clenching tight at the display of power.

At the click of the lock, Volt whirled. Maevus' eyes widened when she realized he was holding a dagger. She hadn't even seen him draw it.

When he saw who it was, he stopped.

Vraylor sighed, propping his chin on a fist. "No use, Voltain. You can't argue. You know that."

A frown creased Maevus' brow, her gaze bouncing back and forth between the master and the other Encant. She shrank back against the door, attention going back to the knife in Volt's hand. 

It was gone. She blinked, confused. She hadn't even seen him tuck it under his cloak. 

Food definitely should have been her first priority this morning.

"There's a reason I don't work with anyone. I don't want to work with her," he snapped, his low voice little more than a snarl. Then his tone turned pleading. "I can't." He threw a hand toward her, skin pale against the dark material of his fingerless gloves. "She can barely stay on her feet. Didn't you mention that?"

"I mentioned she was tired" Vraylor said, his voice calm but edged in annoyance. "What about this summons makes you think they care?"

Volt hissed between his teeth. He shook his head, making the edges of his hood quiver. "I can't..." His words died away on a sigh when Vraylor gave him a hard look. "Fine. I'll go, but I'm not sure I'll be inclined to do anything."

Maevus rolled her eyes and took a few cautious steps forward, skirting around Volt so she could sink into the faded armchair stuffed in the corner. Vraylor flicked his eyes to her, then leaned forward, pushing a tray across his desk. "Thought you might be hungry."

Fragrant steam rose from a delicate blue china cup. Beside it was a plate heaped with hashbrowns, eggs and bacon. Maevus' mouth filled with saliva and she stood, moving toward the table like she was being drawn by a leash. She plopped into one of the chairs in front of the desk, tugged the plate toward her and began to devour the food.

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