~The Gate~

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Breakfast was a mostly silent affair, interrupted only by Lox's incessant quest for treats. Maevus would have bet at least half the sausage and jelly-covered toast that disappeared beneath Volt's hood ended up in Lox's mouth.

She couldn't tell if that irritated her, or made her like him more. It certainly endeared him to Lox. The dragon's purring eventually became so loud that they started getting odd looks from the other diners. Her heart dropped when she saw one of the waitstaff started weaving between the tables toward them. 

Maevus shoveled the last of her bacon into her mouth and, since she couldn't grab Lox, she grabbed Volt by the wrist. China rattled and there was a thud as Volt tried to maneuver himself out from the table. Maevus bit her lip to keep from laughing as he swore when his knee slammed into a chair.

He scrambled to swoop up the last of his toast before Maevus yanked him away from the table. She darted through the dining room, keeping her head down so she could ignore the eyes on them.

They ran through the lobby and burst out of the hotel into the street. There was a shadow and a startled shout. Maevus let out a yelp as she was yanked backwards, tumbling into Volt. She watched wide-eyed as a young boy on a horse much too big for him charged past.

"What is your problem?"

Maevus tilted her head back to find Volt's mouth quirked in something that was either confusion or irritation. Lox's orange eyes peered down at her from the shadows of his hood. Maevus stepped forward and turned around, nearly tripping over her own boots.

She heard what sounded suspiciously like a snicker from Lox and shot him a dirty look. Volt folded his arms and cocked his head back toward the hotel. "Why did you run us out like that?"

"The..." She lifted an arm, pointing back to the doors. "The waiters were looking at..." Her voice started to die as she realized her mistake. She looked down. "The waiters were looking at us."

"So?" Volt lifted his toast. "Our plates were empty. They were probably just doing their job."

Maevus let her eyes slide to the hotel doors. Where...no one was rushing from angrily. She stared at the unwavering glass for another long moment, then turned away and began walking down the street. There was a sharp chirp behind her, then a weight tumbled onto her shoulder, claws tangling in her hair.

"It's fine," she murmured as Lox nuzzled up against her cheek. "I just forget sometimes."

"What do you forget?"

Maevus nearly jumped out of her skin at Volt's quiet voice right beside her. She glanced up at him, then focused her attention back on weaving through the morning crowds. Lox began grooming her hair, untangling the strands that had knotted in her wild rush.


As they walked, she found herself blessing Volt's silent nature. He didn't continue to question or coax.

Likely because he didn't care.

Maevus began walking faster, irritated when Volt didn't have any problem keeping up with her short strides. They flowed easily through the crowd, most people taking one look at Volt's black clothes and hidden face, and doing their best to skirt away from him. 

It was useful in getting them quickly through the crowds, but every time someone stared at him, her skin started to itch. She couldn't shake the desire to turn into one of the many alleys they passed and run from the curious gazes he provoked.

They were waiting in the queue forming at the main gate when she noticed that he was drawing more than odd looks from civilians. Some of the Greenies at the gates were starting to stare as well.

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