~A Change of Heart~

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Maevus ate slowly,  much less hungry than she'd been before Vraylor's outburst. Even after she'd cleaned her plate, her stomach felt hollow. It wasn't any mystery as to why. As soon as she'd said what she had about the guild, she'd known she didn't really feel that way.

She didn't know why she wanted to keep pushing Vraylor away, but she was starting to regret it every time she did.

As she stood and looked around, uncertain what to do with her plate, she met several pairs of eyes. Wondering if they were curious about Vraylor's outburst, Maevus quickly avoided meeting their gazes.

Chewing on her lip, she glanced at a few abandoned tables to find the plates and glasses had been cleared away. She couldn't tell if they'd been taken by someone working in the kitchens, or if they had been returned by the patrons. Finally, sick of second-guessing herself, she picked up the plate and headed toward the bar. She kept her head down, wishing she could turn invisible.

It was a relief when she reached the bar, skirting around the couples and groups laughing and drinking together. Gil was nowhere in sight, but a girl with short, bright blue hair was hustling drinks behind the counter. Maevus perched nervously on the edge of a stool, waiting for a moment when she could flag down the girl.

When she finally got the girl's attention, she held up her empty plate. "I didn't know what I was supposed to do with it."

"You can give it to me," the girl said with a smile. "While I'm here, want something to drink?"

Maevus was just about to shake her head when someone sat on the barstool next to her. "It's on me, Lally."

"Fine," Lally said, rolling her eyes. "But what do you want?"

Maevus turned to find Lorn sitting next to her, his amethyst eyes trained on her. She remembered their first meeting and made to stand, but he held up a hand, making her pause. Savrin's boyfriend hadn't seemed to like her all that much the first time they met. She didn't see why that would have changed.

"Well?" Lorn asked, raising a brow.

Maevus frowned.

He jerked a thumb toward Lally, who had rested her forearms on the bar. "What do you want?"

Maevus just shook her head. She wasn't much of a drinker. Lorn sighed and said, "Two of the usual, then." As Lally walked away, he shouted, "And something for Sav when he shows up!"

Lally waved over her shoulder before ducking below the bar. Maevus turned her stare to Lorn, not bothering to keep the confusion off her face. She was too tired for that. Lorn just twisted around in his seat, resting his back against the bar. They sat in silence until Maevus decided she didn't want to put up with this anymore.

"I think I'll just go back up," Maevus muttered, sliding off the stool.

"Wait!" Lorn lunged forward, grabbing her arm. Maevus let out a hiss and gestured at his hand, intending to singe him with a fireball. The only thing she could manage to produce was a tiny wisp of smoke. A flare of pain in her chest made her gasp and her knees wobble.

Lorn caught her against him and helped her up into the chair.

"Were you really going to burn me?" he asked, sounding more curious than offended.

"Don't grab me," she snapped. She clenched her hands into fists, struggling against the phantom sensation of hard hands pinning her arms and legs. "I don't like it."

Lorn held up his hands. "I beg your pardon, then."

At that moment, Lally came back, sliding the drinks toward them. Maevus stared at the glass of amber liquid suspiciously. "What is it?"

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