Chapter 7

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A/N: Just trying to get a head before posting chapters. Here it goes....

They torture Anders well into the night. Trying to get any information about how he communicates with the Collective and their next move. "I don't think he's going to tell us anything else," Meliana says as she cleans the blood from her hands once more. His throat finally heals from the last time she cuts it. He gurgles his words.

"The Collective will grow and defeat our enemies. They will purge the world of all parasites, vampire and Siphoner." Meliana opens and closes her hand in a mocking manner.

"Good as any last words," she says with a roll of her eyes as she looks around for a stake. She is about to break a chair when Kriss appears.

"Wait," she says hesitantly, "I promised she could say goodbye. I'm keeping this one." Haydee follows soon after her, groggily she stumbles down the stairs. She looks at Anders covered in blood with wide eyes.

"I am so sorry," she says, walking towards him, "This is all my fault." Anders laughs and spits blood towards her feet.

"It made me sick every time you leeched magic from me. Do you know how many times I almost killed you?" he asks, dropping his pretenses and British accent. Haydee doesn't know what to be more surprised at. This isn't the voice she's come to love. Her sleeping spell clears up quickly as tears start to fall.

"You don't mean that," she says and he laughs louder. So much so, it startles her.

"I made my sister promise to cut your heart out if I died. Look forward to meeting her, love," he says the last word mockingly, in a slight accent.

"Anabella will be a non-issue soon," Meliana says with a little laugh of her own.

"I should've known. It was the Mikaelson thing that bothered you more than the Siphoner. The only thing you couldn't hide was your hatred for my family. You don't understand what it means. To have my last name." Haydee says and walks towards him to cup his face. Then she starts to drain all the magic she can. "I wish I never loved you." He groans as he begins to fade. Kriss grabs Haydee's arm.

"You don't want his death on your hands. It feels good now but you'll regret it." She grabs her and turns her away. In that same second, Elijah comes from his place in the shadows. He pulls Anders' heart from his chest instantaneously. The body starts to desiccate as blood drips down Elijah's hand. Finn and Meliana stare at him.

"I made a promise. I keep my word," he says and looks straight to Meliana, "Why don't you ladies go upstairs for some tea? We'll clean up the mess." She nods as Kriss starts to walk Haydee up the stairs. The young girl seems to be having too many conflicting emotions that leave her face somber.

"I should be going," Melia says looking down at her blood stained hands when she gets to the top of the stairs. Kriss sits Haydee down at the dining room tables then looks back to Melia.

"You can stay a bit if you want? Elijah was right, we could all use some tea," Kriss tells her then walks over to the kitchen to put on the kettle. Meliana moves slowly to sit across from Haydee. The young Siphoner stares at her own hands and Melia does too, but in different ways. Melia clears her throat.

"You should be happy to have the kill on someone else. The first time you kill on purpose changes you. Even if they deserved it. Especially when you thought you loved who they were." Melia says. Her mind plays all her kills in a blur. The first is the slowest. The loud snap/crunch of Terry Levalle's skull caving in.

"You knew him?" Haydee asks then laughs sadly, "The real him." Melia shrugs, "What was he like?"

"A supreme toxic ass with mommy issues. The same mother who ended his connection to Nature." Kriss brings over the tea as Haydee asks her next question.

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