Chapter 1

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A/N: Sorry it's late. First chapter is here. Next will be ready in a week. Thanks for the support. Please vote and comment.
So you guys know most of the characters. This is our new character Melia Verueax pictured above.
I will get out the rest of the cast when I find them. Until then, feel free to use those imagination muscles. Anybody got anyone in mind for Haydee? Let me know...

In Mystic Falls, the Salvatore Boarding School sits under the shadow of ten different barrier spells. That doesn't do much to keep the students in though. Haydee Mikaelson, a biracial Siphoner witch sneaks down the stairs and towards the back door. She siphons the back door barrier spell long enough to step through. In the living room Langston Marmont, a black male witch with protective instincts lounges on the couch surrounded by the coven of Siphoners. A black French witch, Raissa to his left, a blonde one with a tough attitude named Danielle to his right. The gay Brazilian male witch with a great sense of style, Fabien and the adopted Japanese Siphoner, Sakai take the coffee table with their legs crossed politely. Langston chats with them all, calmly but leans closest to Raissa. Down the hallway, in the headmaster's office, Alaric Saltzman drinks a whiskey and stares at a picture of his wife on their wedding day.

Vera Maxwell, a young vampire with red hair sits outside under the full moon on a stone bench. She talks to her friend, a young black male vampire who lounges in a tree. Inside, Zayla Jade, a teen werewolf looks at the full moon rising in the sky. Her eyes turn to gold as her curse is begins to take effect. She can feel her bones shaking, aching to break. She heads downstairs to the basement to chain herself up.

Upstairs, in the primary school group room, Hope uses a spell as a light to read by. Josie and Lizzie, sleep in the same bed and the witchy terror twins Deina and Delia do the same. A couple of rooms down the hall, Stefan and Bonnie spread out in his bedroom. There are books and grimoires laying over the bed and his desk. They stare at each other over the tops of their books. Bonnie lays on her stomach with her feet in the air. She flips her hair and glances at him again. Their trance is broken by the sound of Zayla's scream/howl. Bonnie stares at the door. "You okay?" Stefan asks her from his place sitting at his desk.

"What do you mean?" Bonnie replies and he gives a slight shrug.

"Well it's been a month since the LA Witch massacre. Or a Mikaelson Monday as they call it. You haven't talked about it much. Or anything else for that matter." It's Bonnie's turn to shrug now.

"I don't really know what to say. It's the Mikaelsons. But more than that, they have been helping us. And we know what they're like by now. The witches came for Haydee and Kriss. They did nothing but be born Siphoners. And the Mikaelsons would burn down the world just to save one another."

"Jealous?" he asks with a raise of his brow. She shrugs again.

"Maybe just a little," she says with a small laugh and a playful roll of her eyes. They hear the sounds of Zayla's agony once more.

"I'd do the same for you. So would Damon," he reassures her.

"I know." she nods and looks back down at her reading material. After reading a couple of lines, she sighs.

"Find anything new?" She slams the book shut and groans.

"I found nothing we didn't already know and nothing helpful whatsoever."

"Well thankfully, there's been no real movement towards here since LA. I think they got the message," Stefan gets up from his desk and walks over to a spelled map. Bright gold dots cover the entire thing. There's a cluster near them and two other dots, most likely a couple of the Mikaelsons. Zayla howls again and Stefan can hear her bones break, even floors away. She screams then cries but takes a deep breath.

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