Chapter 9

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A/N: Surprise Chapter!!! Hope you guys are still here. I promise I'll get back to my stories. Its really life that's taking up too much time now. We Found Love is my first priority. Then this one then Absolutely. Please bare with me. 

Meliana wakes in the grass feeling like she's had the best sleep of her life. She stretches and hears the sounds of the birds chirping louder than usual. Looking down at the grass, its like she can see each separate drop of dew. She goes inside the house and takes off her robes. Ty hasn't returned yet. Good thing she didn't last night. If she did the spell right, it shouldn't have been able to penetrate the shield. Her phone rings and it's Elijah. "Hello," she says happily, almost sing-song.

"Well you sound excited. I'm assuming your plan succeeded."

"It did. What about yours?" she asks as she walks into the kitchen and grabs a plum.

"That's what I'm calling about. Fruits of my labor. I've managed to organize a family dinner. A sort of cease fire. I'd like you to be my personal guest." Her heart speeds up and she can hear it loudly in her ears. "You'll meet my other siblings Klaus, Rebekah, and Freya." The fact that she hasn't met them yet either meant they were fighting or he was not yet serious enough about Meliana to introduce them.

"If you wish it, I will be there," she says.

"Thank you. You have made my day. Kriss will be there as well if it helps to have a friend present. And I have been assured no bloodshed."

"Sounds like a boring night. I'll see you then." She hangs up and goes upstairs to look for an outfit for dinner and a gift for the night. Then she goes back to the kitchen to make dinner for her and Ty, who should be returning home soon. Ty came in a few hours later.

"Wow, this is really good," Ty says of the lightly floured Sol, roasted zucchini and brown rice.

"Thanks," Melia replies and they keep eating. As she drinks her glass of wine she feels a rush to her system. They added someone else. Several people.

"What was that?"

"An angel losing its wings," Melia says playfully and takes another bite of food.

"What are you talking about?"

"Last night, the entire Collective, and possibly you-sorry about that-lost their powers. And instead of searching for a why they immediately added members."

"What exactly did you do?"

"I took their power. It had to go somewhere." Ty gasps.

"Meliana, the coven has thousands of members. How are you containing all of that?"

"It's a part of my deal."

"And what did you give to her?"

"I trust you with my life, Ty. But I'm never going to tell you."

"They'll come for you."

"I'm looking forward to it. They'll have to be so creative with no magic. Elijah invited me to meet his family at dinner next weekend."

"Have you guys had sex yet?" she asks with raised brow and Melia blushes.

"We haven't even kissed yet," she says and hides her face in shame.

"What? Who are you?" Ty says with an open mouth then starts laughing. Melia gives her a playful shove.

"I know right. I love that he's old fashioned but I've kind of been waiting for him to rip my clothes off. How're things with the headmaster?"

"Non-existent. I really just don't think he's interested."

"Have you seen yourself? Just don't make me have to talk to him," she says and takes another sip of wine. Ty stretches out her neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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