Chapter Two

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A/N: Pictured above is the new character. Played by the lovely Tika SumpterSorry about last week. I'll do better. Have a good week. This weeks chapter of Monsters of Mystic starts now. Vote, comment, let me know what you think.

"Something's dark about her too," Bonnie says to Stefan and Damon in the grocery store. The second trip this week. And they're likely to be back within just as many days.

"Well I like her," Damon says, staring at the woman as she walks away. He turns to see candy on the shelf and throws a couple of bags into the cart even though he rarely eats it. Bonnie takes it out and puts it back.

"That should be an even bigger indication of her danger level," she says, looking him directly in the eye. Damon's quick to shake his head as she steers the cart away from him. Stefan sits staring at pasta sauce like he's never seen it before.

"Nuh-uh, it's Stefan that usually falls for the secret bad guy. My personal shtick is very mean women with hearts of gold," he says insincerely but there is some truth to it.

"Okay, Prince of Darkness," Bonnie replies sarcastically and they continue in the store. Damon doesn't talk for a few minutes as she gets what they need.

"I've decided to take that as a compliment, Bon-Bon," He grabs several bottles of whiskey and puts them in the cart. Bonnie doesn't move to remove them just strolls along. They do their check out then head to the car, a bit of awkwardness in the air.

"So are you two gonna tell me that you're leaving again or were you planning on calling me from the road?" Bonnie looks to Stefan then walks to the drivers side. She gave him a shrug that said 'I told you so'.

"I was going to say something tonight," Stefan starts and Damon is quick to interrupt him.

"No. You were the one that turned our house into teeny bopper central. Now you're deciding to leave?" Stefan clears his throat at his brother's obvious hurt feelings.

"You still have Alaric," he offers. And Damon squints his eyes at his brother then relaxes his face quickly.

"No. I'm moving out. As soon as possible."

"And leave Alaric alone?" Bonnie asks and walks back over to their side as Stefan begins to load the groceries.

"I didn't sign up to be school staff. And I'm very unqualified."

"Damon, you know why we're going. Do you think we should let those innocent people die? Innocent children?" Bonnie walks up to him and he again gives a suspicious squint.

"Neither of us even cook."

"We have a solution for that."

"And this has nothing to do with you wanting to canoodle with my brother?" he asks and wiggles his eyebrows. Bonnie blushes but also puts on a furious face, "You can tell me Bon-Bon. I won't judge you or my brother."

"Damon!" she whisper shouts then looks down as Stefan continues to load the groceries, "Nothing's happened."

"Yet," he says before getting into the car.

They get back to the house and Bonnie and Stefan are the one to take the food inside. All except the bottles of liquor. Damon is more than happy to hold onto those and escape from doing work. Bonnie carries just her purse while Stefan carries four bags in each hand. "Who would think that anyone can eat this much food in three days?" Bonnie asks as she starts unpacking the groceries he puts on the counter.

"I know. We're going to need an actual income to fund this place." Stefan says and helps her take them out and load up the fridge and pantry.

"Finn offered more money, you know the Mikaelson's and their endless funds," she tells him.

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