Chapter 8

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A/N: Just incase anyone is actually reading this, two chapters in less than a week. Let me know how you feel about it. 

Meliana and Elijah head to the restaurant. They're both dressed perfectly and somehow complimentary. "This place is..." Meliana says looking at all the candles and out the window to the shimmering water.

"Breathtaking," he says while only staring at her. She looks to him and smiles as they're lead to their table. A server pours them a bottle of wine Elijah bought especially for their dinner. They sip and stare at the views.

"Did you mean what you said earlier? About monsters raising children?" he asks and she nods.

"But I'd be willing to change my mind if you have any proof showing differently."

"I believe Hope will be our proof. It's going well so far," Meliana laughs, loudly.

"How so? You've been at war her entire life. Now granted, I had my first kill before the age she is now but say you raise her with human morals, mortal ones, her rebellion will be becoming just like you." She takes another drink. "Why not your niece Haydee? She seems a paragon of good."

"Haydee is a Siphoner. I worry her life of running and constant enemies will eventually make her just like us. Especially after her latest betrayal." Meliana nods her head in understanding. "So what's your solution?"

"I think there was a reason vampires couldn't have children. Besides the dead part. And some people just shouldn't." Elijah seems to catch her meaning immediately.

"you would have beautiful children."

"Oh, I know," she says with a charming smile. "I can't and won't raise a child to deny our nature and ache for power. And the need to use it. Maybe one day I'll be Aunt Millie."

"Millie? What in the nineteen sixties?"

"Excuse me, Mr. 1000 yr old vampire?" she laughs and he smiles at her. They start to bring over the prefixe menu and the couple turn to lighter topics during dinner.

It begins to get heavy again during their short walk back to the hotel. Under the moon and the full night of stars they were entranced by each other. "I'm going to miss this place. And the company." he says to her. "But, we shall return home with a new sense of clarity. There are plans to play out."

"If you could be Fate, what would be the outcome of your family?"

"My family?" he asks while thinking about it, "I would give them long healthy and full lives of love and less dysfunction. Such as what Finn has, although he's more deserving than most."

"You deserve it too, you know."

"Deserve what?" She stops walking forward and blocks him instead. They're almost at her door.

"Everything you've held yourself back from taking this past millennia." He pulls her gently, their bodies just barely touching.

"I was waiting. Maybe for a mate to share it with me? Someone to travel and wreak the smallest bit of havoc with." He's very close to her lips. He leans in and kisses her on the cheek. "Sweet Dreams, Meliana Vereaux." He kisses her on her forehead leaving her face in flames. She struggles to breathe and giggles. Something she never even recognized she could do. Meliana stays grinning until she unlocks her door and shuts herself inside.

The next morning Ty has tea with Alaric. "Melia isn't going to give you her shield spells." she says over her steaming cup. He rolls his eyes.

"But, she's agreed to perform them and protect the school. You'll be able to have the President's kid when she's done."

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