Sixteen- Hospitalised

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The gun dropped, Millie screamed as Finn rushed her to a private hospital. Millie was taken by the doctors, being rushed into the ER so they could figure out what was going on.

Hours passed and Fin awoke to the sound of his pregnant girlfriend grunt as she jolted up from a nightmare, sweat dripping down her neck. Her monitors hadn't moved.

"Calm down're  safe." He spoke as she looked at the tubes connected to her arms.

"Ah, I see Miss Brown is awake." Dr Jaxx spoke as he entered the room.

"How are the babies??" Millie asked with a concerned look on her face. Finn hadn't shown it but that was his exact question.

"Your babies are perfectly fine. The blood loss is due to the stress you are under Miss Brown. We are going to keep you here for observation for the remainder of your pregnancy, for your and the babies safety." Dr Jaxx spoke as he looked at the clipboard that rested in his hand.

The Doctor left the room, Millie still worried.

I watched as Dr Jaxx left the room. Sitting by Millie, my heart pounded as she fell asleep, the babies kicking as she held her stomach. I smiled, happy that she was healthy and that our babies were ok. My mood changed when I heard the soft taps of shoes against the floor.

"Is she ok?" My father spoke as he inched closer to the bed she rested on.

"Why are you here? To berate me more about my life choices?" I replied, not interested in anything my father might offer.

"Look. I'm not happy about this situation...but I'm gonna be a grandfather and you're gonna be a father. The least I could do is help you and the girl..." My father spoke.

"Her name is Millie, dad..." I corrected him.

"Finn...I'm only going to offer this once. I can give you, your girlfriend and the babies 24/7 protection." My father finally made his offer, an offer I didn't expect.

"We'll take it. But we aren't saying that we'll give you any favours." I spoke, not looking at my father anymore. He left the room, leaving me to care for Millie.
A few weeks had passed and Millie had been doing well. After the deal was made, Finn expected 2 guards to be placed outside of Millie's hospital room 24/7 and that's exactly what happened.

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