Pearl's Mental Breakdowns

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Spinel suggested that the three of them all went and did something together- perhaps to blow off the rest of the tension- and so... they did. They all had went to Funland, and spent a few hours there, playing games. But, as all things go with Volleyball, the 'fun time' wasn't quite so much fun anymore.

Pearl and Spinel were fighting over her love, and although oblivious at first, it quickly became apparent. She let herself ignore it, and continued to try and enjoy her evening doing all these strange human activities. However, by ignoring it, it just got more intense. She pointed out a stuffed bear at a prize booth, commenting how cute it was. The two were quick on insisting they'd win it for her.

They bickered on and on about it, sabotaging each others turns. Then, whilst riding on the Tea Cup ride with Spinel, it suddenly had stopped, and the machinery growled. Turns out Pearl had purposely broke it, over mere jealousy.

Many more things of such examples had happened over this evening, and it was time to go home. The walk back to the beach house Volleyball had remained mute, annoyed at the foolish actions the two persisted. Especially at the ones of her girlfriend. It was clear who she loved, why was she so angry? Why was she so defensive? Volleyball loved Pearl, and she should know that. Spinel is just a friend. Why can't she get that through her?

Upon arriving at the beach house Volleyball instantly went inside, and sat down on the couch. She sighed, watching Pearl and Spinel come in through the door too. "I had fun," she forced a smile, "thanks, you two. I'm just so glad to finally see you two getting along." The last sentence came as a grunt, and you could tell she was lying.

Spinel immediately walked over to Volleyball, bowing as if she was a jester entertaining her queen. "You are very welcome. I also had a lot of fun! It's so great to have my two best friends together" she giggled and stood straight.

Pearl crossed her arms, she definetely didn't have any fun today. She had a frown on, and her eyes showed signs of annoyance and a little anger. She stood near the door and looked through the window.. it had been near sunset. How long had they been out today?

Volleyball wondered if Spinel really knew what she was doing- if she really knew how it was making her feeling. Volleyball packed all her feelings inside, though, and kept her same bright smile plastered onto her face.

Her eye was like the petals of a cherry blossom, it was a rosy pink that danced around as tears wanted to welt their way into her eye. "I know, isn't it lovely?" She kept her voice soft but harsh, speaking her vowels with annoyance.

"Did you have fun, Pearl?" She tilted her head towards the gem, noticing how angsty she seemed. She almost looked like Steven with the crossed arms and dull expression. Well, speak of the devil, here he comes now. Volleyball could only wave at Steven, not knowing what to say.

He took his steps down the stairs before seeing all three gems together in one room again. It appeared they were all sort of uncomfortable, except Spinel. "Hey, you're back! How was the date?"

Spinel giggled, "it was pearlfect" she laughed, but again, nobody joined her.

She sighed, rather bored really. She could sense great discomfort, but it didn't stop her from being positive. "Hey, Volleyball, do you wanna join me back in Homeworld? I got lots o' stuff to show, y'know" she gently took the pink Pearl's hand, wanting to end all the awkwardness.

Volleyball let Spinel take her hand and looked up at her in the eyes. She was such a friendly and bubbly gem, which definitely didn't match how intimidating she looked. "H-..homeworld?" She echoed, wishing to the stars above that she'd let go of her hand.

Pearl turned her head towards Spinel like an owl. Homeworld? Taking Volleyball there? No way, she kept tolerating this pink, selfish gem all morning, there was no way she was going to let her take Volleyball to her spoiled Diamond house.

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