Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck part 2/my new coming out

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Alright, last chapter I talked about my confusion with crushes, and I have come to terms with the fact that I do have a crush on the person I referenced in last chapter (name will not be said the privacy purposes).

Thank you to those few who commented that it did sound like a crush, that actually helped a lot.

I have realized how much I like this person because of the reasons in the last chapter, and many other new reasons.

I know that in my bio before I stated that I was a heteroromantic asexual, but now after doing some research, I currently identify as Asexual gray-biromantic (thanks to the amazing ACEofSpadess13 for helping me with that), though this may change over time due to the fact I am still questioning.

Thank you all for the help last chapter and I love all of you so much.

~ Bee ❤️

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