Baby fever

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Please remember you don't need to read these, I just need to say these things, especially bc I feel like I can't say this in front of my family

Unneeded/no one asked for this opinion: I'm not a huge fan of babies

Let me explain why I'm saying this. So, in September, my cousin (well, my second cousin) on my mom's side had twin boys after years of trying, in December, my aunt on the other side of my family had a baby boy, and last week we just found out that our other second cousin, the sister in law of the one who had twins, is pregnant with a baby boy.

Now, my cousin who I'm the closest to is fucking baby crazy. She's a few years older than me, she has a boyfriend, and having kids is her literal dream. When our cousin announced they were having twins, she screamed. As soon as they posted the registration, she stalked it and checked it a couple of times a day; she was obsessed. Everyone else on both sides of my crazy loves babies. My mom, my grandma, my dad, all of them.

For me, I get that they're cute and all, but they can sometimes weird me out. I don't know what to do with them, they can't do much, I always feel like I'll break them, and I never know how to react. When I found out last week that our cousin was pregnant, all I pretty much said was "Oh, wow, that's cool,"

I just don't get the big deal about them, they're kinda boring sometimes (no offense to anyone who liked babies, this is just how I feel). I want to adopt kids, I really do, I just don't want a baby.

Thank for reading this kinda stupid rant (if you did), I just felt like I needed to say this

Love all you humans ❤️

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