Fuck the little voice in my head

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Me, earlier today, watching asexual tiktoks during my lunch period

Me: *laughs*

Brain/little voice: You're not asexual

Me: Yeah, I think I am

Brain/little voice: *laughs* no you're not. You realize how young you are? You aren't even 17

Me: And? I can still use that label if I want

Brain/little voice: And you're heteroromantic

Me: And?

Brain/little voice: You shouldn't tell people you're Ace

Me: Why?

Brain/little voice: Because, you're heteroromantic and people are gonna tell you that you aren't LGBTQIA+ because you only like guys

Me: But I'm not heterosexual, therefore I'm not straight

Brain/little voice: Makes no difference. Just agree with me, you know it's true

Me: ...

Brain/little voice: Also, you're probably just faking it

Me: What?

Brain/little voice: Like I said, you're young, heteroromantic, I say you're faking

Me: Stop

Brain/little voice: What? You know it's true

Me: *Shuts off YouTube and puts on Be More Chill*

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