Chapter Two

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I've been feeling really tired for the last two days so it has taken longer for me to write then expected, most of this chapter is one conversation. This conversation will be had a lot in this book so please enjoy and be patient for the chapters.

Special shout out to SlytherinNightmare04 for their continued support in me posting and reading my books, interacting with questions and commenting regularly. Thank You!


Shaaron Dawson practically dragged her mother into their room at the Solana, she was just about ready to blow up. Her face showed it. Her features were scrunched up in a wave of fury, she was so angry at her mother. How dare she burn Olivia with her cig, she was furious.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR GODDAM MIND?" She screamed in the direction on Lorretta.

"No, but that girl bloody is." The old woman replied calmly, her cigarette smoke now polluting the room they were in.

"I'm disgusted by you mother, you are an absolute embarrassment to this family. Olivia is included. Rob is my son, your grandson, you need to respect his decision to marry Liv." Shaaron explained a stray tear running down her cheek.

"Oh Shaaron don't cry." Lorretta hugged her daughter. "I'll try to respect Olivia, ok?"

"Thank you mum."


Rob, Liv, Tom, Jodie and Billie were at the Spanish movie theatre watching the new Spiderman film that Liv and Tom had starred in: Spiderman Far from Home. Jodie is claiming its her favourite movie, while Rob is pressing an ice cube on Liv's cigarette burn.

"Ouch, it hurts." Liv said, squinting in pain. Tom patted her on the shoulder playfully and laughed. "Shut up." She groaned, "Try being burned with a cigarette, then you can laugh- OW ROB!"

"I'm sorry, Liv." Rob apologised.

"Why'd she even do it anyway?" Liv looked into Rob's eyes, searching for answers and knowing she wasn't going to get any.

"Why does Lorretta do anything?" Billie asked in response, earning the three adults' glances, Jodi still focused on the film. "I mean, think about it. If she hates you this much there must be a reason." He continued awkwardly.

"To be fair though dad, Liv has never given Nanna a reason to hate her." Rob pointed out, now hugging Olivia to reduce the pain on her arm.

Tom nodded, "Can I just say Rob, your Nanna is a right cow."

Liv burst out laughing, "Why would I give the 'old cow', a reason to hate me?"

"I don't know." Billie shouted, annoyed. The hushes of people in the cinema sounded and Billie sunk back into his seat, embarrassed. 

Olivia palmed her face with her hand and sighed. "I just don't get what's.. Oh god." Her eyes widened as she realised.

"What?" Tom asked, curiosity flushing over him.

"Remember the first time me and Rob slept together Bill?" Livia asked, Rob went extremely red.

Billie remembered and tried to recall the events. "Yeah, I remember. You answered the door and had a limp. Then Rob-"

"Yeah enough of that." His son interrupted, eager to get the conversation over with. 

"Well then, you obviously remember Lorretta coming out of the room next door then right?" Livia asked.

"Oh yeah!" Billie exclaimed. Tom was just really confused at this point so he turned his attention over to Jodie, still listening of course. He handed the little girl his bag of popcorn as she laughed, pointing at the screen.

"Wasn't that Tiger's room?" Rob asked Olivia, she raised her eyebrows to confirm, which made Billie realise.

"She hate you because she slept with your mate, and you thought it was weird. Am I right?" Billie explained.

"That's what I'm thinking." Liv agreed, leaning her head on Rob's shoulder as he sighed.

"You didn't even do ought wrong though." He said.

"I know." The woman grabbed her husbands hand and squeezed lightly. 


So Rob's grandma hates Olivia because of something she did, seems a bit odd. Anyway I hope you like this chapter and I hope to post another soon. Thank You!

QOTD: Would you ever consider going to Peacock Island?

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