Chapter Six

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Rob and Olivia finished folding the clothes and putting Liv's things, neatly, into the bags. Tom had allowed Liv to stay at his house until she had found one for herself. Welcomed her to stay, actually. They arrived at his apartment in "South-West London darling".
[Sorry I had to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯]

"Are we having a party or?" Tom said once he opened the door to see them standing there.

"Piss off," Olivia laughed before barging through the door and collapsing on the sofa.

"OI! That's my spot!" Tom shouted, throwing himself next to her. Rob went straight to the kitchen. "What are you doing mate?"

"Coffee, I need coffee." Rob replied before the whistling of the kettle rang through the flat. 

"Really," Tom rolled his eyes before settling down and turning on the tv. "How 'bout it?" He asked, nudging Liv in the arm as the opening credits for endgame played. 

"My acting was elite in that film and no one can say otherwise, especially the Tony death scene." Olivia said in reply.

"Yeah, when you and Downey weren't laughing your heads off." Tom continued, giggling slightly. "Rob, mate, you should have seen them. They had to postpone filming because of how red Livia's face was."

Rob chuckled in the kitchen and then sat down on the sofa beside Liv. "Where's your stuff anyway?" Tom asked.

"Car." The other two said in unity.

"Good, I thought you got robbed or something." Tom said, joking. Liv burst out laughing, earning an is-she-ok-? look to be exchanged between the boys.

"You said Robbed, like Rob. Robbed, no? Ok I'm gonna shut up now." The girl said before turning her attention back to the film. 


"So how long you planning on staying?" Tom said as he shut the boot of the car. "Like do I have to decorate the spare room or what?"

"Not long," Liv said smirking. "Just bought an flat." She carried the bags of shopping through the building up to where Tom's flat was.

"I was not involved in that." Rob said to Tom as he locked the door.

"So, where is this flat?" Tom asked leaning around the side of the open fridge door to look at Olivia, who was putting away the pasta.

"Oh, just close by." She winked and went back to organising the shelves.

"Close by sounds suspicious." Rob whispered to Tom. "Livia are you sure it's a good one for us."

"Oh I'm definite." She replied sitting on the counter and watching the other two. "Continue."

"So where is it then?" Tom asked, Olivia's phone started ringing.

"Brb." She said before walking away.

"Olivia Dawson this is a real life conversation don't use-  Ugh." Rob shouted after Liv until she left the room. The woman came back moments later and grabbed her jacket from the stool near the counter. "Where are you going Mrs?" Rob asked, taking a step in front of his wife.

"Apartment viewing, I'll be literally half an hour." Olivia replied. Rob narrowed his eyes and stepped aside, she disappeared out of view and the boys sat on the stools, beers in hand.

"This seems fishy." Tom pointed out as he leaned on his elbows.

"Cheers to that." Rob said, clinking his glass on Tom's.


Well well well, there's a surprise in the next chapter, for you as a reader and for Tom and Rob :)

[Mature content is in the making, that isn't the surprise lol. That would be a little bit weird.] 

QOTD: If you could live anywhere, where would you live? [me: London]

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