Chapter Four

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Chapter four, Lorretta is kind of rude and kind of funny in this one.

I was thinking about doing an original horror, what do you think? ->


Benidorm is not a very nice place to go on holiday if you are a celebrity. Main reason being that if you find a way to hide from the public, it isn't going to last very long so you have to kind of sneak around. It's like being in a spy film, except 24/7 until you get home to your humble abode in Watford. 

The Dawson's house was cosy. A warm four-bedroomed detached house on Rhodes Way, inhabited by: Shaaron, Billie, Eddie, Lorretta, Jodie, Rob and Olivia. Liv liked living with her new family, it made her feel included, except from when Lorretta tried to get her arrested for harassment.


It was a normal summers day, the birds were singing and the bees were buzzing. Liv and Rob were cuddled up in their bed when Lorretta came storming into the room holding a rather small piece of paper; there was something scribbled down on the note and it looked as though it had previously been crumpled up. The light from the hallway impaled the couples eyes as they sat up, scared from the sudden noise.

"The police are on their way you bitch!" Lorretta screamed at Liv, the girl stood up from the bed and snatched the piece of paper.

"You went through my bin?" Liv asked calmly as a slightly concerned look formed on Rob's face. The girl read the paper, trying not to laugh. "Dear diary, I hate Lorretta Dawson, she's a horrible cow. I stole her cigarette and smoked it when I was out with babes today. She's got a horrible face and I want to stab her." Liv scrunched the paper up and threw it in her face. "Three things Lorretta. One: I don't own a diary. Two: I don't call Rob, babes. Three: I don't want to or ever plan to smoke your dirty, bacteria covered cigarettes."

Lorretta gasped loudly, Liv's mimicked cry escaping moments later. "How dare you?!"

"How dare me!? You forged a diary entry and filed me for-" Liv was interrupted by banging at the door. 

Rob rolled his eyes and got out of bed, quickly slipping a shirt on before, tromping down the stairs to answer the door. "Fuck's sake." He cursed when a policeman stepped into the house.

Lorretta gave Liv a dirty look before waving at the police officer. "Excuse me sir, she's over here."

Liv looked at Rob as the man ascended the stairs, Shaaron coming out of her room at the shouting. "What the frigg is- MOTHER!"

"What?" Lorretta asked, faking innocence. 

"It's alright Shaaron," Liv sighed before taking the 'diary entry from the floor and handing it to the officer. "Not my writing, don't call my husband babes and I don't smoke." The girl said as the officer read the note.

"Ma'am I'm going to need you to come with me." The policeman said.

"Ha ha. Finally got rid of her." Lorretta said as the man turned to face her.

"I meant you love." The officer exclaimed. Liv bit back a laugh, Rob had disappeared from the hallway and laughs could be heard from the kitchen, a child's and a man's. Lorretta was taken away by the officer and it was explained to her that, she can't just frame someone for a crime they didn't commit, even if you did hate them. 

And that my friends is the story of when Lorretta Dawson tried to get Olivia arrested for harassment.


There's chapter four for you, nice and easy one to write.

QOTD: What is your dream career? [Mine's an architect]

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