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-Crime & Punishment-
January, 24th

Authors POV

The next day after Jin and Jimin's little uh fresco Jin wasn't in the right head space and it had nothing to do with Jimin at all he was just he kept getting something in his head...

"Jin....Jin....Jin.... JIN THE FOOD IS ON FIRE!" Namjoon yelled Jin flinched and seen that the waffles were burning he panicked and placed them in the sink and turned on the water the others were amazed.

Jin never burnt food he never overcooked food they never knew what the hell nasty food tasted like thanks to him... but he did something they thought only Jungkook and Namjoon would do.

"Hey Jin... a-are you I don't know alright?!" Yoongi questioned Jin couldn't even speak he couldn't even think he was off today.

"I-I need to sit down." Is all he said before going into his personal library and sitting on the bean bag he was so dizzy so confused...

"Jin." A voice called out making him jump with fear he turned and saw a boy about the same age as Hoseok standing in front of him he was wearing traditional outfits so either he's a ghost or today was just a special holiday.

"Who are you?" He asked more like whispered the boy sat in front of him and sighed.

"I'm Jimin's uncle." He spoke Jin chocked he was really young and good looking to be his uncle! Not to say uncles can't be young or good looking its just this man was g o o d l o o k i n g. The man laughed lightly.

"I kid I kid but serouisly I'm your uncle Navu well your great times 7 uncle and yes I am dead but thats not why I am here I am here to warn you Jin." Navu looked concerned Jin could take a pretty good guess at why.

"It's to not fall in love with Jimin right..." He spoke up Navu nods Jin sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

"Because evil shouldn't fall in love with good thats what the council told us."

" Well that is one reason I guess but the main reason is that Jimin is promised to Yoongi." Jin growled no one especially not Yoongi told him that Jimin was promised to someone else.

Shit he doesn't even know if Jimin knew! But he knew he wasn't going to let Yoongi have him at least not to himself. Jin got up and stormed out even though Navu called him back. He walked into Yoongi's room and seen he wasn't there so he opened his astronomy room and there he was studying the sun Jin growled Yoongi scoffed at him and looked at him.

"What Mr.Promised?" Yoongi spat harshly Jin stood confused.

"Me? You're the one promised to him!"

"No the hell I'm not." He said blankly the two stood there completely oblivious until it hit them and by it meaning Jungkook and very unhappy Jungkook.

"Why didn't anyone say Tae was promised to Jimin!" He yelled the oldest sighed realizing they have been tricked.

"Where is Jimin?" Jin said Jungkook shrugged.

"Let's go look." They all went looking but none of them found him...




"OH NO THE HELL HES NOT HES PROMISED TO JUNGKOOK'S STUPID ASS!" Hoseok said the three came in arguing and the two oldest of them groaned.

"He's been kidnapped..." Yoongi spoke angry.

"How do you know?"

"Because i can't here his footsteps nor feel his presence for twenty hundred miles of here." Yoongi growled the others presence grew dark and cold it was starting... first the lies then the problems third the obsessions...

"This is what happens when you love life." All of them said not being able to control the anger this was the reason no one wanted to get close to Jimin in the first place they don't want to hurt him... but it's not like they have much of a choice.

"Let's just go get him." Jin says they leave and since they are superhuman they use their powers to find Jimin Namjoon asked the animals and plants to be on the look out and guard the house until they return the boys kept walking their anger raising scaring every creature around signaling one thing they all hated.

The dragons were awake and they were not happy which means... heaven and hell are about to have one heck of a battle.

Meanwhile Jimin smiled as he picked up all types of fruit from the garden he felt a darkness loom over him he looked around shocked and he went inside as he saw the others exit he tilted his head confused but shrugged figuring it was just crime business he noticed some of Namjoon's plant friends he waved and they helped him make his fruit bowl.

"Where did they go?" He asked the plants told them what had happened Jimin sighed.

"Of course they can't sense me Namjoon put some of the flower pollen on me to mask my scent from other monsters!" He complained it was true Namjoon did mask his scent with poppy pollen to keep other monsters out which meant that they would also be blind to his smell.

Jimin decided he was going to go get them when he felt a ping in his heart... danger... they were in danger.

Jimin ran out the house fast following Taehyung's smell as he ran closer the smell of blood rose up he panicked as he got closer he screamed.

What else could he do when he sees Jungkook with a missing eye and Hoseok with a missing arm as they looked at each other with hatred.


"BITCH HE HATES YOU FOR MURDERING SOMEONE IN FRONT OF HIM!" The two roared Jimin was shaking the others hadn't realized he was there except Yoongi who grabbed Jimin by the waist from behind covering his mouth and running off.

"LET ME GO!" Jimin muffled Yoongi reached a high mountain and stopped there.

"Jimin baby you have to leave... leave and never come back don't return go live a normal life please please please this isn't safe for anyone please just leave!" Yoongi cried trying to fight his urges as Jimin  didnt protest he didn't fight back he didn't cry and worst of all...

He thanked him and never looked back.

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