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~Yoongi's sympathy~

Authors POV

Jimin was growling hard as they stepped closer Yoongi wasn't doing anything he was really confused.

Yoongi's POV

This is wrong... we can't keep him just for our satisfaction... and besides his smell has changed drastically he will kill us he's protecting his baby brother which I found out when I followed him home that day he ran away.

The others clearly were not happy they tried to kill me out of anger I did everything I could to hid Jimin's scent without being obvious.

I know I know it's our destiny to eventually do that to him but this is just so wrong but I can't change it it's fate not choice.

They eventually grab Jimin who wasn't even fighting anymore he was just crying he looked at me with the saddest of eyes.

"Please let me go..." he whispered the others poured and Tae who was effected by this second after Jungkook held his chin up.

"No baby we've missed you we're doing this because we love you I told that we love stop thinking otherwise." He said like a crazy person Jimin shivered he was still himself deep down.

"I don't fucking want to go with you as a damn trophy wife." He cried he clearly wanted to get to his brother to hide him which is understandable i need to help him... but fucking how?!

"Trophy wife? No baby you're not a trophy wife we really do miss you a lot!" Jungkook spoke up smiling with the eyes of a murder. Jimin was in horror of how much we changed for the worse... but he was more in horror of the fact he knew it would get worse if he didn't go with us.

"Fine..." he spoke weakly the others wasted no time lifting him up and running off with him as they left i took the time to speed over to his house and check on his brother who was peacefully playing with the animals i wrote him a note with what happened and why it was only fair.

As I was about to leave I heard screaming I turned and seen someone touching his brother I gasped and quickly ran over and kicked them in the stomach sending them flying.

"Oh my god oh my goodness what in the world?!" He spoke scared i held him protectively growling.

"Oh you must be Yoongi." He spoke I paused and looked at him. He was so reassuring so kind so humble just like his big brother who sadly had to take all of that and throw it away... or maybe he left it for Tiro to collect.

"You know me?" I spoke after a long silence he nods and pats my head.

"Of course I do you the only one Jimin doesn't hate. I know what happened to my brother I'm not dumb but I simply ask you to take care of him." He spoke as if he was a god I obeyed and slowly put him down shaking he smiled again and bowed.

"I will be fine please just help my brother I'm afraid he has lost himself trying to stay away from the six of you as for you all you guys have lost yourself for reasons that didn't involve Jimin hyung, I wish you all the best." He said I looked at him a bit before nodding and bowing back before running back home.

"JIMIN STOP FIGHTING IT!" Is the first thing I heard I ran inside and seen them looking crazy trying to get to him he was throwing stuff at the to keep them away which semi worked.

"GET AWAY FROM ME PLEASE PLEASE STOP IT!" Jimin screamed so hard everything stopped they stopped trying to get to him and just stood there shaken at the fact they were so desperate.

"J-Jimin... this is all your fault." Namjoon spoke Jimin looked at them stupid.

"I'm sorry what?!" He said annoyed.

"This is all your fault! If you never came into our lives we wouldn't have met you and gotten addicted this is all you this is your fault we spent years wasting time on you because of who you are!" He yelled Jimin looks at them completely confused.

"Y-You're the problem not us you really are a villain." They said Jimin looked like he finally blew a fuse like he finally had enough.

"I'm the villain? Me? Seriously? After all the bullshit you put me through you fucking BOUGHT ME like a god damn toy you fucking idiots murdered in front of me then wants to act all sweet and loving them next thing be all bitchy and aggravated at absolutely nothing my grandparents died the day I was taken I couldn't even say good bye you guys let me go and now want me back this isn't a thing I wanted to be apart of SO YES I AM THE FUCKING VILIAN BECAUSE I SWEAR I WILL BE THE ONE TO LAY ALL OF YOU IN THE FUCKING GRAVE!"

Jimin breathed heavy and growled the others were shocked until Jimin passed out.

Jimin's POV

I woke up in a hospital room and looked around the nurse smiled.

"Park Jimin? Nice to see you awake dear now that you are finally up we can tell your family." She said kindly I nodded hoping everything was just a bad nightmare that none of this was real that I was just dreaming...

Jimin I know this seems hard but do not lose sight of the goal my goal.

I heard my grandfather speak this isn't a dream it's really and I just heard my oldest grandparent tell me to fulfill his goal that I don't even know what it is this day can't get worse

This day really can't get any-

"Hey Jiminie we missed you~"

I turned and seen those monster idiots.

"God fucking damn it why the hell does the author do this fucking shit you know what damn you."

A/N: Stop breaking the fourth wall!

"Stop being putting me in these situations and also stop creating so many book drafts mhm don't play with me I know things~"

A/N: Bitch I oughta—

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