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Authors POV.

Jimin ran and ran never looking back he was free from the men who bought him who lied to him who hit him killed in front of him. But also the men who fed him really good food... gave him his own room... laughed with him... played games with him... had sex with him...

"No no I will not be having Stockholm syndrome not in this life they can take me in the next!" Jimin said as he ran faster he didn't want to miss them that's crazy and Jimin isn't crazy.

Weird yes. Crazy no.

He ran until he was out of breath he did a good job the mountain was no longer in sight so he was pretty far away. He took a moment to relax his muscles and catch his breath he seen some road up ahead he walked and he saw a little boy getting picked on by some adults.

"Stupid fucking kid you freak!"

"Your mother is a whore!" The men said and laughed as the boy cried Jimin's blood boiled as if the sun was heating it he didn't know what went over him he stood in front of the boy protecting him his eyes their beautiful purple but with a deathly glare.

"Leave him alone." Jimin said the men laughed.

"Look at this bitch move out of the way he's a freak!" They said and tried to kick him until Jimin growled making the ground shake. His eyes turned the color of death scales grew on his body and his hair lit up in purple and black flames claws came out and he looked at them and roared.

He blew everything within a 600 mile radius away once he stopped he calmed down, he looked at the child who was stunned.

"W-What in the w-world..." the boy had a soft voice and Jimin held him as if he were his long lost little brother.

"It's okay you're safe now." Jimin spoke the boy looked into Jimin's calm eyes they were not the ones the men seen they were kind loving as if he were a gracious swan instead of the fearful lion he was a second ago the boy nuzzled into Jimin who didn't mind as he lifted him up and stood as well.

"Who are you?" Jimin asked the boy looked at him.

"My name is Tiro Park Tiro." He spoke shyly Jimin cooed and nodded.

"Well hi Tiro I'm Jimin Park Jimin!" He said cheerfully Tiro smiled and giggled which made Jimin very happy.

"Where is your home?" Jimin spoke Tiro looked sad as he played with his fingers.

"I-I don't have one my mom and dad left me when I was a infant my grandma on my moms side took care of me she said the my mom was crazy and did bad things to my dad but when I tried looking for my father they had said he passed away."

Jimin was shocked this kid has the same story as him but Jimin's grandparents who raised him were on his dads side. He didn't think much of his surname because it was usual to have people of the same surname and not really be family.

But this kid... Jimin looked into his eyes and they changed to lavender Jimin gasped.

"A-Are you do you have any knowledge of dragons?"

"Yes I do Granny taught me she said my grandfather is the dragon of life which is a bit much if you ask me but yes and the Yuma clan with lavender eyes." He spoke he looked at Jimin whose eyes turned lavender and he gasped.

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