As the Sun Shines

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*Yumi's POV*

Over the last few days, I have done nothing but work, cook, clean and enjoy time with my Halmeoni. However I've noticed that she has been keeping something from me. I want to pry but I know she won't tell me. She has spent so long taking care of me, she forgets to take care of herself.

I wonder if I can convince her to move back with me when I leave next week, or maybe I should move back here permanently. She's all I have left, she's been my mother, grandmother, best friend and biggest fan. Yet, I know she is tired. She is ready for the next chapter in her story to begin. She thinks I don't see the way she stares at the images of our lost loved ones. I watch as her soulful amber eyes fill with longing and mist with tears being held fast. I know I should tell her it's okay to finally let go if she is truly ready, yet I fear I am selfish. I am not sure how I would continue on without her here to turn to. Who else would make the crude jokes like she does with a straight face while her eyes are sparkling with mischief? Who else would be able to comfort me with a simple hug or a pat on the head, while humming the lullaby she sang to me as a child?  No other would be able to fill my life with the warmth and comfort of the rising sun like she does. She was a person who could instantly put anyone at ease, even while she was suffering.

Slipping into my rain boots, I call over my shoulder that I will be back in a little bit while pulling my hood up and venturing out into the light rain. Adjusting the messenger bag holding my latest edits as well as the fresh tin of cookies I baked this morning for the Clinic, carefully navigating the wet streets while enjoying the sounds of the village 'waking' up. Slowly shutters and doors are being opened as people begin to emerge from their houses and children begin to run through the puddles with large smiles on their faces. 

A small group in front of me call out with cheers of "Yumi" while they circle around me, a smile splits my face as I join hands with a little girl and boy about 5 or 6 as we begin to freely dance in the gentle rain. Tossing my head back in laughter, I enjoy the way the light drizzle kisses my cheeks as it lands, embraced in the slight chill of the autumn air and surrounded by the sounds of happiness. 

Suddenly a tingling sensation runs up my spine warming me up from the inside as I glance towards the Inn across the street. I catch sight of a pair of dark brown eyes, blonde hair and an adorable grin peeking out from behind the white curtains and suddenly everything stands still. The sun makes a brief appearance to illuminate his sculpted jaw line, a straight nose and a single gemmed star shaped earring shining almost as brightly as the spark in his bottomless eyes staring out at me. A blush rises up my neck and settles into my face before I tear my sights back to the children in front me. 

Wishing them a quick farewell as I continue down the street, I can still feel the sensation of the man's eyes on me until I turn off the next street. 

If the other man was a fallen angel, then he was like the nobles of old. Something so unattainable, mysterious but fragile. Silently begging for something only he knows he needs, searching endlessly in the darkness for the light to guide his way through to paradise. 

My cheeks are still warm, my heart is beating faster than normal and butterflies have begun to flutter within. Confused and a little worried, I quicken my pace towards the Post Office to send off the paperwork, with notes letting them know I will be back in Seoul soon, before continuing towards the Clinic.

Walking into the Clinic, I greet the young woman at the counter quietly so not to startle her. "Morning Naomi, I baked some cookies for you and your mom. I hope you like snicker doodles? Also, before I forget, I need to request a new order for Halmeoni's cough medicine, this weather isn't being the nicest on her."

"Yumi! How is Mrs. Wei doing? You know we always love anything you bake for us. Mom just stepped out for a bit but I can make sure to let her know you stopped by and make sure we bring her medicine along after we close tonight. Are we still coming for dinner? Do we need to bring anything?"

Naomi and her mother, Han Youngae, were close family friends who also happen to run the local Clinic after Naomi's father passed away twelve years ago. Every other Friday night for as long as I could remember they have been coming over for dinner, and today would be no different.

"Of course you guys are coming over still, and no, I am cooking tonight so all you need to bring is your appetites. See you around six?" After exchanging a few more words and promises of seeing each other later, I begin to head back home, mind filled with recipe ideas for dinner.

Stealing a glance at the window the man stood at earlier, I am saddened to not see him still gazing out. With sagging shoulders I finish the journey before shaking my head on the porch.

What is going on? First the man earlier in the week, and now this one? Why can't I get them out of my head? 

Your head is in the clouds again Man Yumi! Snap out of it! Lightly smacking my cheeks with another shake to clear away the images of the two captivating men.

I'm going crazy, I wish I could meet my bonded soon, whoever you are. Are you looking for me too?  I can't wait to meet you and experience the little moments in life, like waking up beside you, making meals, taking walks in the park and just enjoying being with each other. I wish my ability could help me find you.

With a deep breath I walk inside to see Halmeoni with a smirk on her face and holding two large envelopes in her small hands. Furrowing my brow, I tilt my head while shrugging off my sweater and toeing off my rain boots so not to drag mud and water into the house. Slowly walking towards her, she holds out the envelopes while a proud smile breaks out across her beautiful face stealing away signs of old age and making her appear years younger. I love seeing her so happy, yet confusion weighs heavy on me towards the cause. With apprehension I turn over to see who the envelopes are for and from whom before disbelief covers my features and causes my knees to shake.

Stumbling to the rocking chair, I carefully peal out the tabs before reading the contents inside. With large eyes and a suddenly dry mouth, I gaze up at my Halmeoni as tears begin to gather in my eyes causing her to slightly blur. 

"Please don't cry, you know if you cry I am going to have to fight off tears and try to make you laugh somehow. Come on Yumi, I thought you would be happy? Isn't this what you've always wanted?" Soft laughter follow her words before I'm jumping up to hug her quickly.  

Sitting abandoned on the table are two offers that will change my life, now the question of which one do I choose? My dream job or my family?

Can I choose? 

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