Chapter 6: Why?

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The two of you walked home in silence. A cold wind blew by, but neither of you felt it, thanks to your immortal fortitude. Nonetheless, you still shifted a bit closer to Dio on instinct.
"Are you still hungry?" His voice broke their silence on the cold night, no warm vapor coming from his mouth despite the fact that it was cold enough for that to happen. None came out when you breathed, either. But the people passing by them on the other side of the street? Their breath was visible in clouds of what looked like smoke. A phenomenon of being a vamprie, perhaps.
You shook your head a little bit. "I can wait, I'll be alright."
He nodded, and he took hold of your hand, his grip loose enough so you could pull it away. But you didn't. Your fingers latched on to his, and you could see a small smile cross his face out of the corner of your eye.

The rest of the walk was quiet and uneventful, though you never did let go of his hand. And finally, you arrived at his home. It was more of a castle than anything else, really. Your eyes were wide as you took in the interior, and your legs didn't ache once as Dio led you up multiple flights of stairs and to his room. It wasn't the same as the one you'd stayed in before.

On one wall was a huge stained glass window with large blackout curtains looming over it.
Right... sunlight. I can't go outside during the daytime.
The bed was on one side, and it was much larger than any bed you'd seen before. It could likely fit an entire family in it. Across from the bed was a balcony that looked out over a cliff, down at the coal mining town below them. "It's beautiful," you murmured, releasing Dio's hand and walking to the window, looking outside.
"I thought you'd like it. If you want, you can stay here, with me. Or you can kick me out and I can take where you slept yesterday."

You thought for a second. About sharing a bed with Dio permanently. It didn't sound all that terrible.
"Awww, I'm not cruel, Dio. You can stay here with me. But if you snore, I'm kicking you out."

He gave off a laugh, walking up to you and snaking his arms around your waist, resting a chin on top of your head. Your face dusted with read.
"Oh, why thank you, my lady."
You scowled, and elbowed him in the gut. Not that it'd do any good; he was practically made of muscle. You forced your mind to not imagine him shirtless.
"Ow. You're about as strong as me now, remember?"

You elbowed him again, albeit a bit harder. He hissed, and pulled away, moving a hand up to ruffle your hair.
"Why do I keep you around, again?"

"Because you'd feel bad if you left me alone," you replied, turning and looking up at him with a smile. He rolled his eyes, shaking his head a bit.
"Fine. You win," he replied, taking your hand and tugging you close. He wrapped you tightly in his arms before effortlessly lifting you off of the ground and carrying you out to the balcony. The door to it opened on its own, and he set you on the thick black marble railing, facing him, and he let his arms wrap loosely around your waist as he rested his chin on your shoulder, looking out at the view beyond.

Despite the fact that a single shove would send you careening down to a likely death, you leaned into him, trusting him completely.

"I... I need to tell you something."
He sounded... nervous, almost. Worried. His chest rumbled against you as he spoke.

"What is it?" You replied, a concerned expression flashing over your face, even though he couldn't see it. You idly brought a hand up to play with his golden blonde hair.

He pulled away so he could look at you, and your hand dropped down to your side.

The look in his eyes almost gave it away.

"I love you, Y/N. And... I was afraid that I'd over-stepped a boundary. I enjoy flirting with you and making you flustered, but never to the point of you being genuinely uncomfortable with me. You just... you looked so uncertain..."
He shook his head.
"But we don't have the luxury of time. Jonathan Joestar... he survived. He survived the fire. He shouldn't have. He'll likely be here within the week. I just wanted to tell you. You don't have to say you love me back."
He had such a gentle look on his face, his features softened by a kind smile. But... his eyes gleamed with tears. He was crying.

You didn't hesitate to pull him close by the collar of his shirt and kiss him.

I Wanna Leave This World With You (Dio x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now