Chapter 1: Him

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Being a waitress was... tiring. But sometimes, you were allowed breaks. Little breaks where you could watch customers come in and out. 

During one of these breaks, your eyes catch on a boy, about your age. Fourteen, probably. His hair was golden blonde, and his eyes... he had the most stunning, amber-orange eyes you'd ever seen. They appeared brown in low light, but... they were still the most beautiful things you'd ever seen. 

His eyes caught yours, and you realized you'd been staring. You quickly averted your eyes back to the glass you were washing. 

Faintly, you hear the sound of someone's head being smashed into a plate of food. Your head jerks back up to find that same boy, with a chessboard and a man in front of him. You hadn't noticed them. And... the boy's face was currently splattered with spaghetti sauce. 

You refrained from giving off a soft laugh as he angrily picked up his earnings from the game, wiped his face, and stormed out. 

"Y/N! Get working, there's a spill on table four!" 

The voice of your boss, Pig. That wasn't his real name, but... everyone called him that since he looked like it. Large nose and ears bigger than your hand. You could've sworn you'd seen a little curly tail poke out from his sagging pants. 

You gave off a little sigh. 
"Of course," you replied, as you reluctantly went over to clean up the mess. 

Speaking of a mess... the boy from earlier came up to you, his face and shirt clean of spaghetti sauce. 

"What're you doing working at a bar at this age?"
a/n: dio you're fourteen stop 

You looked up at him.
"It's the only thing keeping me off of the streets. My parents couldn't afford school for me, and they couldn't afford medicine to keep themselves from dying," you replied simply. He blinked. 

"Seems like we're in the same boat, then."

You slowly raised an eyebrow. 

"My father drove my mother to death, and he died of sickness a little while later."

"Why don't you work in someplace like this, too, then?"

He paused, and his tone was in such a way that he wanted to hear your name. 


"Because, Y/N, I was just lucky to be adopted before I could starve. Plus, I'm not stupid enough to choose a job like this."

Both your eyebrows raised. 

"No offense, sorry. But I think fighting dirty is the only way you'll win."

You rolled your eyes. 
"Like almost breaking your nose on a plate of spaghetti?" 

He smiled. 

a/n: ew this is short sorry lmao, I promise the next chapter will be longer :)

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