Chapter 3: The Boy's Name (TW: Assault)

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You listened to Dio talk for a while, telling you about who he was, and his past. Things he hadn't told anyone else before. You were entranced by his voice, and by his story. You loved him, you realized. More than you might admit. You had for a while. Him being away for so long might've weakened those feelings, but seeing him again reawakened them. Made them stronger, even, at the fact that he was so kind as to save you.
But there was one question he didn't answer. Wouldn't.
Why he was out at night, and why he'd looked so predatory when he first saw her. He'd simply shake his head and insist that he was looking for you. A half truth.

"Nevertheless, Y/N... you smell like shit, please go take a bath."
You snorted at the bluntness of his words, and stood, wobbling a bit. He offered a hand out to steady you, but you pushed it away before rather playfully hitting him on the head.
"Didn't a few years of living with snobby rich people teach you that that's not how you treat a lady?"
"Oh, you? I'd hardly classify you as a lady, Y/N."
You scowled, and pushed his shoulder before walking—wobbling, really—to the bathroom.
"If I'm not here when you're out, just wait. I'll leave clothes for you on the bed."

I can't believe he found me...
After five months, I'm finally with him again. I thought my feelings might disappear, but...
He's just... gorgeous, and kind, and can make me laugh no matter what.
I don't deserve someone like him.

You gave off a soft sigh as you peeled your clothes off, happy to find that the bath had already been drawn, and it was warm. You stepped in, reining in a moan as the hot water met your skin. It'd been ages since you actually had a bath, and even longer since the water was warm.
It took a while to get completely clean and comb the knots out of your hair, but once you did, you drained the water and refilled it again, content to sit there and be warm and safe and happy.

But there was a knock on the door.
"I'll be out in a minute, I promise!" You called, your voice echoing off of the bathroom walls.

But the door opened, and it was not your blonde-haired best friend in the door way.

Standing there was the most hideous creature you'd ever seen. And that's saying something.
It had grayish skin and long, pointed ears. Its teeth were thin and razor sharp, and eyes as red as blood. Claws, rather than fingers, tipped its hands. Though it looked humanoid, it was definitely not human.

Before you could even blink or scream, it was on top of you, holding your arm so tight it just snapped.
"Lord Dio is an idiot, thinking keeping a human here is going to do any good," it hissed, its voice sounding more like nails on a chalkboard than someone speaking.

It slammed your head into the wall, and you blacked out for a moment, feeling blood trickle down into one of your eyes. You nearly gagged at the feeling of its teeth sinking into your neck, and though you tried to claw your way out of its grasp, the creature's strength was too much for it to be human.

You finally managed a scream, but the demon feeding on your blood shoved a hand into your mouth and yanked down. Too hard. Your jaw hung open, unable to close and in too much pain to form a scream.

But the door crashed open, and the creature was torn off of you, and you vaguely remember gentle, strong arms picking you up, and worried amber eyes examining your body. Not sexually. No, not at all.

The next thing you remember was being dressed in a shirt much too big for you, and being laid down in the bed.

You drifted into consciousness just enough to see Dio sitting next to you, holding your hand, a concerned expression on his face. His lips formed words, but your ears could not hear them.

Next thing you knew, you were out again.

Though the next memory, vaguest and strangest of all, was of a cold stone mask being placed upon your face, then darkness.

I Wanna Leave This World With You (Dio x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now