Final Comments

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Thank you, everyone, for reading! This was very fun to write, and I may or may not have finished half in two days. Ahem.

I absolutely love the idea of Dio being a Big Softie if only he had someone to love growing up. I love his character, even though he's written as shallow and sadistic. He's hands down one of my favorite characters in all of jojo, simply because I love writing about him so much.

Also, for those of you wondering...

Y/N and Dio totally smoked the fuck outta Jonathan, no more Joestars lmao. Either that, or Jonathan decided to give Dio another chance, since he realized that Dio had the capacity to love and be loved by someone.

I can imagine Y/N mentioning that she's Dio's wife to the gang, and they'd feel instantly sorry for her, and she'd be bewildered until just. "Oh! So he burned down your mansion. That's cool, I guess? Sorry? He's really a good guy-"

And she proceeds to ramble 'bout her one and only true love <3

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